Hiro followed along, being a support for his mother as they walked behind his father and his betrothed. He listened to him speak softly to his father, trying to determine if anything was off about him. Besides the slight stutter, he didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. The sudden stop made his eyes wander over to what Akito was looking at, and he couldn't help the small smile as his eyes wandered over to the murals on the walls. [I]'He likes the murals. Well, he has good taste at least.'[/I] Hiro chuckled to himself as Akito quickly apologized and hurried along. It had been awhile since he marveled over the fascinating paintings that were put on the walls, but that didn't mean he didn't like them. He loved the art and the creativity they put into the work. It was really beautiful, even enough to make him wish he could do it as well. In the end, he left the art to the professionals. Once his mother took a seat, he walked over to his father's side and day cross-legged at the table. His gaze falls falls over all the food. [I]'Such an extravagant meal for so little. After all, it is just a welcome meal.[/I] The prince looked over to the general and watched him take a seat, glancing every now and then to the royal family and then to Akito. Song nothing of interest, he turned, only to catch Akito starting at him. And right after, he was looking away. [I]'Why was he starting? Hmm, hopefully there wasn't anything on my face.'[/I] He ran a hand across his cheek before letting the thought go. Instead, he began to eat. Hiro let out a mental sigh as his father immediately brought up the mention of war. Of course he would bring up something like that. He was a man of war himself. Not prepared to hear a gruesome story, Hiro put his chopsticks down and hoped that he wouldn't lose his appetite right after. Thankfully, his mother ended that conversation before it began. [I]'Yes, save that conversation for another time father. Some of us are trying to enjoy our meals. . .' [/I] Hironori continued to eat, glancing over at his mother as she started to speak- only for Akito to duck down under the table. [I]'What on earth?' [/I] Akito began to ramble and Hiro raised an eyebrow, barely catching on to what he was saying. And for the first time, he spoke to his betrothed. Those unlikely first words so happened to be, "What in the heavens are you going on about?" Yet, in that split second he asked, he felt tiny paws crawling on his leg. A cold chill went up his spine causing him to slide back quickly. And then it nipped him, further causing confusion and a slight panic. When Hiro managed to sweep the creature off him he sighed. The prince managed to prevent himself from looking like a complete fool as he tried to remove the furry creature off of him. He didn't even get a good look at it before it scurried back under the table. The general sighed and shook his head in embarrassment, hoping that Akito could fix his mess before he had to. The Emperor chuckled as his son scooted back to the table and composed himself. "Are you alright Hironori?" The prince heard the teasing tone in his father's voice and he huffed. His mother on the other hand was still laughing in delight, making him smile a little. "Yes father, I am perfectly fine." His eyes wandered over to Akito before returning to his father. "Akito's pet just. . .startled me is all. No harm done." To ease the other's panic, he gave a reassuring smile before continuing to eat. The Empress finally stopped giggling and looked over at Akito. "How cute, a tiny pet. What's its name? Can I see?" She decided to take a few bites of her own food as well. Hiro noticed his father look at him with a raised eyebrow as his mother talked to Akito. Through facial expressions, they communicated. [I]'What?' 'Say something to him!' 'Well. . . I'm eating.'[/I] The Emperor sighed to himself, wondering why his son was so stubborn.