After a few minutes of browsing mesh results, this is what you gather: The Yokyai Kong was a Thai-led southeast evac fleet during the fall. It was the result of most governments banding together in an effort to rescue as many citizens as possible. The main vessel of this fleet was the Vishnukam, a Thai warship hastily re purposed for carrying refugees. This botched refitting was the ultimate cause of the famous oxygen deck riots. As the main cargo bays were originally made for stocking large amounts of lifeless cargo, life support systems had to be added in. However the number of refugees ultimately proved to be too much and the repair crews could not keep up with the increasing failures. Faced with certain failure in only a few days, the government ordered forced uploading of a percentage of the population. This was too much for the refugees, having just escaped from earth with their own bodies, and resulted in thousands of people barricading themselves inside the habitat's life support facilities, demanding that the plan be abandoned. To their dismay, the government sent in mercenaries to clear them out and the result was total slaughter of the refugees inside. Massive riots and chaos followed as the remaining refugees feared for their lives, fueled by rumors that the Air Marshall Viprakasit had ordered them killed.