[quote=ASTA] Why do these Draconians always come up in the OOC? [/quote] I like those guys c: And they did pretty much emotionally-ban him, since everyone but Keyguy and Dark {I think} beat up on him in OOC for having something by legit means. [quote=ASTA] The species doesn't sound overpowered. If I recall, it was just a species of Proud Warrior Race guys with a hard-on for genetic augmentation. 14-foot tall soldiers aren't good soldiers. They're just bullet bait. [/quote] Their max was twelve feet, but people only saw it as bigger = OPer. They had giant ships that were essentially US battleships against everyone elses' frigates and corvettes, and as has been said before, materials aren't exactly expensive when you're a spacefaring nation. They made designs, that had the technology, they stuck stuff together and made a big-ass ship. Easiest ship to hit, but had more guns with more power. I mean, it wasn't as bad as duck's planet shields. He could literally just sit there and do nothing, and his shields were super-duper powerful to the point where nothing would ever penetrate. Did anyone ever penetrate, or did it just end with people forgetting about it and leaving? Also, the Battleship X is, if I recall correctly, inspired by the "Battleship X", also known as the "Old Nameless," and more accurately as the USS South Dakota.