And off they were past the gates of the firebase and rolling out onto the dusty fields of Kandahar. Kevin sat vigilantly staring out the side window, his eyes scanning the horizon for any hostile activity as he held his rifle firm in his lap. Out the open window he spit out his tobacco and licked at his dry lips concentrating. "All quiet on the prairie." He whispered to himself, thinking perhaps it was a bit too calm. Calmness was sometimes welcomed, but other times it meant you were headed straight into the hornet's nest, so leave it to the eagle-eye of the platoon to be keeping tabs on their surroundings. The dust from the road kicked up such a haze however that it stung Kevin's eyes to even peer out the window, yet he forced onward through the hindrance. Overhead, he could hear the support chopper thundering just a few feet from the ground. Done good to drown out Jax's horrible singing. "Hell Jax, I heard coon dogs howl better than you!" He jested chuckling to the lieutenant.