[b] Detective Brewer, Chief's office [/b] Detective Brewer was steaming now the chief just deflected him he hoped he could bait him into telling him everything he knew. But the fucker did gulp and for Brewer that was weakness enough but for internal affairs probably not enough. "You fucking slip up, and i find out your with those fuckers, i will get Internal Affairs in here so fast you won't have time to even say hey whats going on? before you get fucked by some chicken hawk in the joint, you understand me [i]Chief [/i]" He said Chief with so much anger and malice behind it one could sense it in the air, but he didn't stay and wait for a response, he turned and left the office looking for his new partner. The front office was alive even this early in the morning people who weren't being dispatched out were drinking coffee, some where just looking at shit on their computers, [i]"And here I am looking for some fresh shit stain."[/i] He thought eventually he found the guy by his desk looking for him. He really was a rookie he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, Brewer sat in his swivel chair and put his feet up on his desk "You my partner?" He asked.