[Note: below is an Int Check I accidentally posted here. This will become the OOC thread once interest is generated. A real int check has been posted in the proper forum] Welcome, friends, to Asteroid Conglomerate 43X-0007! Known as the Dolorous Shoals or the Doldrums to those who know and love it, AC 43X-0007 is a vast asteroid field in orbit of the uninhabitable death-world of Dagoth, and the semi-licit and illicit trade capital of the Leopon Subsector in the Segmentum Tempestus. At least, those parts of it safe enough for smugglers, rogue traders and the occasional off-duty navy ship are. The Doldrums, after all, are within striking distance of several important Imperial trade routes, and as a result home to several ork freebooter klans, chaos warbands, kroot renegades, eldar pirates, and dark eldar slaver-cartels. There are even rumors of a Death Watch fortress somewhere in the depths of the belt. The closet thing this lawless expanse has for a ruler is the rogue trader Captain Ernesto Vespasian dai Gazébor, a pirate prince operating with the de facto consent of the Imperial Administratum and the tacit support of several members of the Inquisition and Imperial Navy, who view the renegade captain as the least of many possible evils, and a check to the chaotic and xenos factions in the belt. Regarded by many as half-mad, Gazébor is a wily and ruthless operator who has crushed innumerable challenges to his power. He "rules" large reaches of the Doldrums from his heavily modified imperial cruiser [i]The Happy Jack[/i], and commands a small fleet of cruisers, light cruisers and frigates given to him ( indeed often taken [i]by[/i] him) from the Imperial Navy. Under his control is the enormous trade center of Port Goodluck- a massive, nearly lawless city built in a hollowed out asteroid- as well as many smaller ports, trade stations, drug and weapon manufactories, mining and farming stations, and asteroid-forts. Gazébor rules through a semi-feudal network of underbosses and lieutenants who have direct control over their respective territories. Gazébor's criminal empire exists in a perpetual, low-grade conflict with the chaos warbands with which it shares the Doldrums, though it has come to delicate arrangements with the various xenos factions- including, occasionally, the greenskin clans. While Gazébor is moderately tolerant of xenos, he is utterly hostile to the followers of the Ruinous Powers- not least because the Captain knows his power depends in large part on the tacit backing of the Inquisition. While Gazébor's thugs ruthlessly hunt cultists and warp-dabblers, followers of Chaos are nonetheless common throughout the Captain's territories. So- welcome to the Doldrums! This RP will be centered around world-building: this is a small corner of the 40K universe that I hope we can flesh out in much greater detail collaboratively as it deals with a series of events I will introduce as the RP progresses. You're invited to make characters and factions of almost any kind, from a Chaos-Lord ruling a pirate band to underbosses in Gazébor's crime empire to an orky Kaptin striking out for glory, gork, and teef. I'm looking for two-three more players. More than one faction/character will be allowed. Players will need to be able to write at an [u]advanced[/u] level, and be familiar with 40K lore.