Position on Map - [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/287/f/5/bapentui_by_aaronmk-d82u9gb.png[/img] Name – Bapentui Kingdom Flag – Not Applicable. The loose feudal federation of tribes that makes up the Bapentui doesn't well enable a single representing flag over the many hundreds of tribes in the federation. Capital - Bapentui Other Major Settlements – Toboro, Donbo, Ashabo Population – Roughly 900,000 Races - Satyr ____ Culture – Satyr social structure leans to a matrilineal structure ruled at the head by the high-priestess of the sun cult, a title referred to as “Seusubi”. The religious authority of the federation is the most ingrained and often loosely dictates the social politics between tribes, carrying out the religious rights in only the most basic sort of authority. The Sun Cult – or Soun Daun – consecrates the inter-tribal marriages of the chiefs and approves the strength of the blood between the tribes to determine which clan the offspring of the marriage belongs to. Otherwise, marriage between the minor freesatyrs and unmarried youth without a significant dowry default to patrilineal birth. This process of ritual examination has in a large case given rise to a sociopolitical extensive dowry tithe or the offering of gifts on the belief that it will win favoritism, if not from the Seusubi the Sun God, or Cele Moa. The masculine arm of the Bapentui Kingdom is vested largely in war or conflict resolution after the Seusebi. As such, the High King of the Bapentui is a glorified commander. A war chief. This position is largely based on heredity, although it's not uncommon for the crown of High Chief to be contested by the clan-level chiefs throughout. This position could be considered an ancient left-over of when the strongest men of a tribe lead a hunt, though it has waned in recent eras. Bapentui culture may also be seen as having hedonistic elements with harems common among the elite, even if marriage is recognized as being between only two individuals and not many. All the same the taking of concubines is regular and bases itself on ruler's personal taste. Evenings, when the day's reaping, sowing, and hunting is over is often greeted with a village celebration with music, dancing, and booze. More often on special days and phases in the moon they may dabble in ritual hallucinogenics in celebration of a phase survived and well worked. Crimes - Above all things the Bapentui abhor the killing of brothers, even in war amid the family. Though succession conflict has commonly arose in the past in dispute over who is actually the appointed heir of the position of High King, no one brother may order the death of the other. There has been very few actual cases of one slaying the other, all such leading to a renewed civil war ultimately overthrowing the old High King on order of the Seusubi. Otherwise, cannibalism and incest is often held as taboo; if there are sometimes exceptions to the matter and with scattered commonality. Minor crimes in regards to theft, rape, or murder is punished depending on the region one is within the Bapentui territory. _____ Government type – Tribal Confederation, Dualarchy. People in power: Seusubi Ashra Zekor. Kabaka Yesobi Sahle of Ashabo ___ Industry – Largely Agrarian with a mining and workshop-based industry on the production of iron spears, arrow-heads, and fish-scale armor. Otherwise the industrial craftsmen produce other utilitarean goods from ceramic and other metals for work in the field and gold and silver decorations for the nobility from gold panned off the shores of the Sea of Ubanda, from whence they also pull fish from. For revenue purposes each head of the federation has their own way to extract finances. The Sun Cult receiving marriage tithes and gifts as well as taxation on industrial outputs as financial support for the temples, this isn't a set rate but donations are considered obligatory, the rate and value depends. The Kabaka extracts taxes from the other chiefs based on how many individuals live within their tribe. These funds used in times of distress to pay the value of the levees the Kabaka or Seusubi has raised. Military – Varying levees raised. Seusubi and Kabaka each hold standing retinues of a thousand fighters each as bodyguards or their own battlefield retinue. ______ Landscape/Terrain – The roughly 150,000 square kilometer patch of land the Bapentui hold claim to and loyalty of consists primarily of immense flat grassland throughout. The Northern and Western borders are defined by the marshlands and forests of the Sea of Ubanda. Further south and on the interior dense humid jungles hold sway over the land and on into the hills and highlands of Bapentui of the kingdom's center and southern edge. History – The rise of Bapentui comes from its foundation as a farming village on the Bapa Delta leading into Ubanda itself. In the floodplains ancient settlers rose crops of barley and rice. A practice which still continues outside of the city's mud-brick and stone walls many thousand of years later. The city provided to be a jealousy of the other tribes who off and on besieged and took the city, dismissing one tribal dynasty after another as they claimed the streets and then the walls, consolidating the city into their existing territory, to have their territory added to the claimed land of another when they fell. Several other cities came to rise over the centuries sense. But nothing came to have storied a history and diverse a growing urban climate as Bapentui. Under the still-reigning Kenga dynasty the city stepped into regional history as the definitive political center in a reign of regular conquests on the other-city states and eventually the rest of the satyr tribes surrounding the region, expanding from a brash city-state in an informal kingdom. At this period of history all power was invested in Podo Upada. Though his late reign was defined by conflict with the urbanizing priestesses of the Moa faith who decreed his violence and totalitarian power was upsetting to Cele Moa, the premier Goddess of the Sun. Podo considered their voices disloyal, and almost had the local cult massacred as a lesson. Though he was stopped part way by his sister, who was later anointed as being the high-shaman, or Seusubi. This appointment was quick to become controversial however, as often rituals to the goddess entailed the Seusubi was to be a conduit to Cele Moa who, like every woman, needed to be pleasured on regularity to keep from growing insane and burning the world. In short, monthly rituals did significantly involve sexual activities with the high king. It was said that Podo Upada's incestuous urges ultimately lead to his downfall as the rest of the Kenga clan learned of his appointment, action, and intent. Quickly they petitioned for him to revoke his decision, or to abdicate. Podo refused, inciting a civil-war within the Kenga kingdom which very nearly destroyed the dynasty as a whole. In the end, Podo and his sister were slain and replaced with the properly coupled King Aqob of the clan Som and his wife, the to-be Seusebi Lymida. The Som Clan would go on to rule the kingdom in relative peace and stability until being deposed again by a restored Kenga family, in part giving rise to the Second Kenga dynasty of the Bapentui Kingdom. The Som Dynasty is attributed largely as being the powers to formalize the current diarchy as a check and balance on itself as per lessons learned in the Old Kenga Dynasty. ______ Race Name - “Satyr” locally referred to as Afarid Appearance – Human-like torso with often horse or goat-shaped legs. Some species of Bapentui satyr may exhibit zebra-like stripping on their legs, more often coupled with darker skin and black hair. Natural abilities – little that might distinguish them from the capabilities of humans. Some might note an over-all more dexterous physique and a lessened need of water in part from natural hardening in the south. Lifespan – 60-75 years average Homeland – Bapentui, the outlying southern-lands (or “Afinara” in the Bapentui language) _____ CHARACTER LIST/NOTES (Not otherwise in application) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=2#post-2116550]- Kabaka Yesobi Sahle[/url] -- Kabaka (war chief) of the Satyrs. -- enjoys gardening and fish. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]- Moisi[/url] -- Bastard female satyr. Seusebi Ashra serves as adoptive guardian and teacher. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]- Niyo Yesobi[/url] -- Designated heir to Yesobi Sahle and eldest son. Son of Ashra Zekor. Officer in the Seusebi's Guard. -- Defended Seusebi camp against human assailants. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2031056]- Rwan Yesobi[/url] -- Youngest son of Yesobi Sahle and Ashra Zekor. Unskilled in hand-to-hand combat and sees self more as a theocrat. -- Had his eyes slashed during the battle at the Kilaro Rock camp. -- Missing [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]- Madai of Af[/url] -- Human charged with murder and plotted murder against satyr chief and his sons. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2066462]- Mami Osowo[/url] -- Chief of Bugan tribe. Fat-ass. -- Disappeared along with Rwan after the battle of the Seusebi's camp [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]- Oboi Mami[/url] -- Son of Mami, chief of the Bugan tribe. Residents of the Kilaro Rock region. LOCATIONS LIST/NOTES [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=2#post-2116550]-Bapentui[/url] -- Capital of the Bapentui kingdom. -- Perched on a hill in the middle of the delta of the Bapa river [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]-Kilaro Rock region[/url] -- Large Savannah defined by rolling hills and the massive granite formation known as Kilaro Rock. Marked as the truest divide between the Satyrs of Bapentui and the humans of Af west of them. -Af (mentioned) -- Region defined by the hunter tribes of the Af people west of Kilaro Rock. RELIGION NOTES -Moa -- The thousands of spirits ruling over the numerous divine aspects of existence. Generally pictured as equine. Moa of other races or animals may be pictured as that race or as an amalgamation of all related races. Conduit of contact between the physical/eartlhy world to Heaven and beyond to the higher creator or the Bodye. Moa power may often intersect complimentary with others. -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]Satyr Creation Myth[/url] -- Brief: Horse spirits got horny, fucked monkeys, and Monkey King got properly pissed. -Moinki -- Monkey King. Also sometimes called Bambezi. Moa of the monkey and their grand designer. Spirit shattered and scattered into the essence of man. Sometimes invoked as a god of conflict - Bodye -- The highest god at the highest existence. Can not be appealed to except by the Moa - Cele Moa -- Moa of the sun. State Moa of the Bapentui. - Bouc Li Moa -- Moa of conflict, or plots/intrique POST CATALOG - POST 1 - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2020329]AshraTellsAStory,TrialOfAHuman[/url] - POST 2 - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2031056]NightAfterTrial,PrincesTalk,HumansAttackCamp[/url] - POST 3 - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=1#post-2066462]BattleOfKilaroRockCamp,RwanGetsBlindedByAKnife[/url] - POST 4 - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64256/posts/ic?page=2#post-2116550]AshraComesHomeToBapentuiAndTalksToHusbandKing[/url]