Jax, always one to impress the ladies Kevin thought, even if that meant doing some stupid stuff, and Kevin was definitely expecting Jax to do something of that sort. Merely though, the gunny kept quiet , a short snicker to himself expecting to see what Jax was gonna pull. He kept his eyes focused on the outside, but his mind slowly began to drift. Kevin thought of back home, a forty acre ranch just a few miles from his hometown. He had gotten the word just the other day that his paw finally passed away after a long battle with lung cancer and had gone to see the Lord. Here Kevin was though, miles and oceans away from Lubbock. No telling when he'd be able to get back stateside to see his family. Kevin was never one for showing emotions, but on the inside it gutted him like a hot kabar to know his dad....was gone. Kevin sighed shaking his head, trying to get the bad thoughts out and get his self focused again on keeping watch.