Alright, so I know VR-MMORPG's have been a big craze recently, especially the last 2-3 years between SAO and Log Horizon, and even more recent internet series like TOME, but I'm not doing this simply because of the band-wagon effect. I've been a fan of VR-MMO settings since back in the good old days of the original .Hack franchises, and having the whole idea of mere game bug or virus growing into a very real and dangerous entity, but I'm not aiming to go into that standard plot either. First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Zephyr, and I'm new to RPG but I'm a fairly experienced RP'er of about two and a half years, and I gauge myself in high casual to mid advance. Before I get any further into this whole topic, I want to establish a "unique" style of RP'ing I would like to do. I say "unique" with quotations because it's not so much unique to me as I've seen some int checks here advertising a similar, if not the same style. The style is basically player vs mod. The two roles are the player, controlling a main character and maybe some npc's to move posts and events along, and the mod controlling the world, setting, plot points, etc. I like this style cause each person in the RP has a defined role, and feels important to the story. The mod gets to control the world and the plot somewhat, but the player gets to input choices that could change the plot, paths available, and even throw the mod off guard and create whole new and unique situations and events for both RP'ers to be involved in. So, with that out of the way, if you aren't interested in doing a "world vs player" type of scenario, then this isn't for you and you'll probably be disappointed if we try to RP this out. Now for rules and such. 1. Posting and posting "schedules": This is a high casual+ level RP, multiple paragraphs that are decently written please. Shouldn't have to explain that Spelling mistakes are fine with me as I tend to write a lot for small words like "teh" or "jsut" but the other party usually can assume what I mean, and I generally can assume what you mean with small errors like that. As for "schedules," if we agree to "one post per day minimum" try and keep to that. I won't mind if you take a day or two longer to post if you need to as long as you can at least let me know or something. If you take to long to post, I will drop you. 2. Work with me. I don't exactly have a set plot/setting in mind yet, nor do I have a clear idea of which role I'd be taking in the "player/mod" style. (I prefer player, but w/e, up to my partner what they want to do). So, with this said, work with me. If you want certain functions or something in the RP, tell me. If you want to do a basic class setup for characters, or remove classes and use a skill based system that levels up skills based on how often they're used, tell me. (Also, I know this is an MMO setting, but we're not gonna be strict on "levels" and such as that would probably ruin the RP). 3. Notify me of issues: If you have to drop, or will be away for awhile, let me know. Nothing worse then a partner dropping off the face of the world with no notification. 4. Have fun. If this isn't fun, tell me, and we can try to work it out. Better than just quietly RP'ing as the dissatisfaction builds and eventually causes you to just out right quit. 5. Adult content/romance/mature themes + stories: When I say adult content, I don't mean just smut and gore, but dark themes. I like dark themes, I like stories where there is a morally gray tone that that slightly covers the plot. I can [b]deal[/b] with smut and I'm fine with gore, but I don't want that to become the focus of the RP and ruin the original plot, same for romance. AKA, I'm fine with anything, but everything should be done in moderation, ok? Ok. So now that we got that stuff out of the way, time to discuss the plot and setting...Of which I have none. Honestly other than the concept I don't want to build anymore off of that cause I want to take any possible partner's desires and preferences into account as well so we can build an RP we'll both enjoy Finally, if you're interested in working out an RP with me after reading through all of my ranting/bullshit, either leave a reply here, or PM me as well. We'll continue from there, can't wait to see if anyone is interested.