[center][img]http://lh5.ggpht.com/-wLyeWgZ1E68/VDUgzsfxWOI/AAAAAAAAbjM/Vyfqf2u2Hxs/s288/blood-lust.jpg[/img] Amidst the movement of shadow and skin, the boundaries of life and death begin. The aching and longing for something surreal, will beckon the weak to strike a deal. But for that gift they'll entertain mistrust, for none can conquer the violent blood lust. ~~~ [/center] I'm not seeing a good vampire story on the pages of RPG as I should, so instead of hoping for one to start - I'll start one. I'm looking for a group of 3-5 people to join me in creating a world where vampires are still something to be feared. I'm looking at the 1900's because I love the setting and the simplicity in which we'd be required to play. The characters I'm in search of would, of course, be vampires, but if you're in the mood to play a human or another species, let's talk. As far as a plot goes, I'm not sharing one single drop until the OOC. Just know it's great and you'll be asked to help spin the portion that relates to you. Everyone deserves center stage in a good story - so let's all jump in and see who's left standing. Interested? Kate