[b]“Hmm? Him? Eh, don’t worry about it. He does that when he gets serious. Which isn’t a lot. Honestly, I think he likes using the “big voice” from time to time, but you really shouldn’t worry about it kid. That is, unless of course you screwed up big time. In that case, feel free to piss your skirt and pray to the Superior.”[/b] "What's 'piss'?" Karina asked innocently, "Oh! Oh- I've heard my cousins say it too. Plus they say other stuff like 'fuck' and 'shit' and 'crap' and 'damn' and 'motherfucker', and- I probably shouldn't have said those things. 'Coz mommy always got mad at them when they said that." [b]"It's all right, sweetheart," "Don't worry about what happened to me. I'll be fine, I promise."[/b] Karina cocked her head. "[i]But Grey-chan...[/i] You're all bloody," she gestured towards said girl. "We should get you cleaned up," Karina added, repeating what she had heard the school nurses say to hurt kids. [b]"You are new to our society, and I welcome you to it. There are things that you will learn in due course, but I will tell you some things now." "You see, to a vampire, age is everything. The older you are, the more respect you receive from your peers and your brethren. To Priscilla, anyone not as old as her, is below her. That's how a vampire society works. And yes, I definitely think Priscilla has murdered people, sorry to scare you. It is the truth, however. As a new vampire and as a child, I guess that you are feeding off animals instead of people. I was no different... Well actually I fed off dead bodies but that's not the point. The point is that animals cannot sustain you forever. When the time comes, you must learn to face your fears and feed off humans. We are the horrors of the night, we plague the nightmares of humans, not mice and hamsters. There are ways to feed of humans without killing, but a lot choose to just kill when they feed. They find it easier, and they feel that it is the punishment humans deserve for their atrocities."[/b] Krov answered her some of her other questions, startling Karina. [i]Wasn't he trying to eat her earlier...?[/i] The girl shrugged, and then frowned, trying to comprehend some of the 'big words'. "... Yeah. I get it." The girl could only [i]really[/i] understand just [i]half[/i] of what the older vampire had said, but she got the answers; the vampire that had just come in - Priscilla, she had said - had murdered, and vampires ate humans because it was scarier. Chiyo clapped her hands after Krov's long speech, making Karina stare admiringly at the taller girl as she spoke to the Russian. Quickly following Chiyo into the kitchen, Karina grabbed onto her arm again, deciding to stick with her. "Wow, Chiyo-chan! That was [i]reaaaaally[/i] cool! You were being so... [i]badass[/i]!" Karina whisper-shouted as she waddled into the kitchen, remembering the word her cousins used to describe cool people.