[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R2hScjo.png[/IMG] [b]MarcoPolo wasn't familiar with the town called Toruka, or The Black Water Tavern. Thanks to his families' connection he found the place eventually. He was called to join other adventures to find Spine. The person must've had deep ties with MarcoPolo's family to personally request for him. Seeing that people were leaving, it must mean it was last call or something. Humans got soo drunk, it was funny to MarcoPolo. Kunites never engorged themselves on evil beverages, they believe that they were made from Fanged Beast. He wanted people to drink their sorrows away, by doing so they just made even more sadness in their lives. MarcoPolo finally found the group of people that must have been waiting for everyone to show up. The man errrh dwarf? Seem to be smiling in a creepy way, will to MarcoPolo the smile was creepy. In his best ninja esc attire, MarcoPolo approached the group of ragtags. [i]"Is this the group going to Spine soon? You must be the...Master Dwarf?"[/i] MarcoPolo's human talk was getting better over the years. He waited for the dwarf to respond to him, not knowing what to do now. Everyone had a unique look about them, but no one here was anything like MarcoPolo. MarcoPolo felt superior to them, but at the same time awkward around them.[/b][/center]