Name; Shiro Age; 40,000 (He looks about 17) Gender; Male Race; Biological Weapon. Breif race description; Originally part of a part Draconian race that was capable of flying between the stars under their own power he was captured in the very early years of the Opening and experimented on by a group of eugenicists, fused with hundreds of different technological augments he is now a weapon of mass destruction. His race ceases aging around the age of 20, give or take five years. and are capable of living for up to 100,000 years. they are considered adults at the age of 10,000 and leave childhood at the age of 500, (please note, all years are given in 'earth years' it would take his home planet 20,000 earth years to complete one full year) History; Born Under a green sun, a burnt orange sky his home world was at once both a amazing planet and a scorched wasteland, ravaged by storms of electrical energy the sands of the plains were often twisted in to massive glass structures, these would form huge mountain ranges. His race did not require air, water or food to survive, they feed of magnetic energy, found most proliferated through the cosmos due to solar and stellar winds. This means that he is capable of interstellar flight without any type of craft. as a child he was content, if somewhat adventurous. as he grew he became moody and was constantly pushing the limits of what he could do. this eventually lead him to being one of the first through the rifts of the Opening. unable to control his direction of travel he fell right in to the Eugenicists lap, out cold and struggling to draw enough energy from the world he'd landed on. after some time he awoke, post the augmentation. The Eugenicists didn't understand what they'd created, the devices inside him produced magnetic fields, which fed his body, which in turn powered more devices, a re-feeding system. not fully stable but stable and strong enough to act as a huge electro-magnetic battery. Angry at being experimented upon Shiro broke out and found his way back through the rift, destroying all in his way, uncaring of his foe. He eventually fell in with the ISF after a small 'scuffle' between him and a battalion of tanks on practice patrol. Personality; He's a bit of a mixed up person, still holding on to his early years of pushing everything he can till breaking point, yet this is tempered with almost a year being experimented on and almost 17 after that at constant war. Powers; Control over Magnetic and electrical flux, he is capable of seeing magnetic and electrical currents, and controlling them, meaning he can fire lightning bolts ect as well as accelerate bits of metal to supersonic speeds. He can also control the electronic flow within peoples bodies to some degree (anything that isn't in the brain basically). He can also produce a magnetic field over his wings that allow him to fly under any conditions (including a vacuum). Huge parts of his body have been weaponised by the experiments done to him, this means he has a huge selection of inbuilt weapons to chose from, a few of these include a anti-matter blade mounted in his right wrist and a vortex cannon on his left, (A vortex cannon fires a singularity beam, turning most things in its way in to nothing but a few lumps of iron). the most used are a pair of eye plates that sit over his eyes and fold up in to his skull, they act as dust shields as well as scanners for range, wind speed, movement speed, armor identification and possible weak spot locating. The most lethal, and least used is a micro fission reactor that sits next to his heart by activating this he produces so much energy that he starts to generate his own gravitational field and shield. Though it was never tested the intention of this 'augment' was to allow for planet wide annihilation of all magnetic and electrical devices. this included anything inside people such as pacemakers. Appearance; [img=] Favored weapons; any metal he can get his hands on for a ranged weapon (railgun!) and a non-metallic blade made of hardened layered quartz with a diamond edge for close combat (not affected by his magnetic powers). He dislikes using his augments unless the situation calls for it.