[b]Baylen - Tommie's - Thomas, Charlie and Lancaster[/b] Baylen listened quietly as Thomas spoke with Lancaster. He hung back, his back resting against the wall as the two discussed their current problem. He was surprised at how Thomas reacted. He knew he was a busy man but wondered what else he had occupying his mind. When Thomas instructed Lancaster to simply get it figured out and left, Baylen stepped forward and looked to Lancaster. "Yeah, of course man" he replied, not hesitating to be there for him. This was a problem for their entire group and it wasn't fair for Lancaster to handle it on his own. "Hey you said things were being moved around, right? Do you know for sure if anything was actually taken? Did you do a full audit of the inventory?" If things were simply being moved around, this could be a sign from another gang, perhaps a warning. But they had always done well at staying out of each others business. "Let's go check it out then." Baylen walked with Lancaster back to the front of the bar. The girls would be handling the bar tonight on their own. Baylen was supposed to be an extra hand for a couple hours tonight but they would have to do without him and he knew both were capable of this. Baylen leaned over the counter at the bar, waiting for Charlie to finish serving her customer before getting her attention. He gave her a warm smile, his eyes lighting up slightly as she came to him. "Hey Charlie" he grinned. He glanced to Lancaster who would be by his side and turned back to Charlie. He wanted to compliment her on how nice she looked tonight but didn't want Lancaster to hear him. So he went straight to business. "I'm heading out to the warehouse with Lancaster so you and Danielle will have to run the bar tonight. Have Danielle stay a bit later if need be. I'll be back tonight but we just need to check some things out." He made a mental note to instruct Demaro on his way out to keep an eye out for the girls, watch their backs. Not that he didn't normally but just especially tonight with extra vigilance, and especially for Charlie.