Sara's flight landed at Second City's airport then taxied over towards the private a charter jet parking an came to a stop. It has on it's tail a huge stylized SI for Solomon Institute her family's company and is her personal jet and always at her disposal. A car pulls up to the parking line and Doctor Morrison of Second City Children's Memorial steps out with an expression usually seen on teens waiting for their favorite rock star to appear. The Gulfstream's door opens and a beautiful young woman with green eyes and black hair appears at the top of the steps and begins to descend. Doctor Morrison has to restrain his urge to rush towards Miss Solomon and gush over her arrival and his thrill that she's come to help him as no one else ever could. As she nears the car Sara smiles her expression sincere and friendly as she says [B]Doctor Morrison it's such a pleasure to meet you after having corresponding these past few months. I'm oh so sorry I couldn't get here sooner but I was helping the CDC in Kenya, please forgive me.[/B] Frank Morrison can scarcely believe Sara Solomon AKA Evergreen has arrived much less that she is asking him to forgive delay. She wasn't simply helping the CDC she'd been critical in discovering a cure for a virus that had killed 400+ before she'd arrived and zero afterwards. "Please Miss Solomon there's no need to apologize for......." He says cutting short his own carefully chosen words when his hand makes contact with hers and a warmth washes through him that makes him feel suddenly content. Sara resists laughing when the doctor surprised by her ability's full body scan of his own. [B]Sorry about that Doctor Morrison but physical contact initiates my ability. If it's any help you're in really good health, well all except a mild ulcer and stress but that'll only take a moment.[/B] Morrison starts to protest but is soon overwhelmed by a flush of personal vitality he hasn't experienced in years. He's barely aware that Sara has put him in the passenger seat an buckled him in till she sits next to him and starts his car saying [B]The euphoric sensation will be brief but I thought perhaps it would be best if we got started and headed to you hospital[/B] Morrison at the time couldn't believe that he'd be more amazed than he was at their meeting, that is till Evergreen enters his hospital and she goes almost immediately to work. He'd heard stories of her Altruism but to see her at work is nothing short of miraculous. She heals Patient and Staff without slowing or any pattern at first till he realizes she's moving down the scale of severity. Nine hours after her arrival three large men appear and flash credentials showing they're her bodyguard and take her away. Frank Morrison is thrilled Evergreen had come at his request but couldn't shake the sadness of her expression when she found people an children who's illness was genetic. In the Limo acquired by her Bodyguards Sara sits in the back pouting as David Miller her head bodyguard says "I'm sorry Sara but you need to rest" [B]I don't need to rest[/B] she says with a sigh "Actually Sara you know better, your body might be able to keep up the pace for days, weeks and months but eventually your mind will fold up an quit from the abuse" he says rubbing her shoulder [B]I know you're right David but I feel guilty[/B].she answers Sara knows it foolish for her to feel as she does but she can't help it. She feels everyone around her slowly dying and she can't stop it because it's everything alive's natural state, everything but herself. She and her Bodyguard arrived at not a hotel but a private residence that Solomon had rented for Sara's stay. It was a nice four story brownstone near the park which belonged to an industrial firm which usually used it to house visiting executives. Sara left her Bodyguards down stairs as she went up stairs and took a bath. She could feel them and know their metal pain as well as their physical pain. Every living soul within a mile of her intruded on her solitude, not that she minded because she really didn't. No Sara actually felt lonely without them. After her bath Sara meditated to relax her thoughts and to allow her conscience to settle into a level that resembled a kind of rem sleep for her. For nearly three hours Sara meditated drifting in a blanket of waking dreams when suddenly fear intruded. She opened her mind to the fear she felt nearby and was aware of several other minds joining in. She stood quickly and changed out of her soft robe and into a jumpsuit that was made of a fire resistant material that firefighters and race drivers wore under the clothes. She walked down stairs an saw David looking up towards her. "Sara it's a fire and as yet they have no need of your abilities" [B]David either we go together or I'll go myself[/B] she says offering no options David Miller shakes his head and opens the door for his stubborn boss then escorts her to her waiting limo. Soon less then three blocks away the limo comes to a stop outside a night club that's on fire and to Sara it feels like a physical horror movie. Smoke and burns and people in danger inside. "I can't talk you out of this Sara?" Asks David as he hands her the hood that will protect her from the fire and then a helmet. [B]Sorry David but I can't an you know that[/B] she says as she steps out an dons her helmet and walks through smoke and flames looking for those trapped inside.