Kane just looked at her with a cheesy smile as he placed himself up against the wall while observing golden hair that he quite have to be honest he had a thing for blondes, and this little treat looked like she wasn't intoxicated which was even better as he didn't have to feel guilt because they had said yes to do things that mostly are left private and them being intoxicated only made them easier to get them to do it. That is what Kane get his guilt trips from when he uses people but sure he comes over it after a day or two. Just giving her a eye brown raise as she said hello that he understood more of a question than anything else but he let it slide, probably to shy to talk with an sexy man like him in his SS uniform they say after all that men in Uniforms look sexy. Looking into the eyes of hers finally, the blue color was like the ocean itself that he was looking into, the softness and calming stare he was doing into her eyes was enough to just suck him into the lovely stare of hers. Broken only by her reply to his compliment as he looked down a little of embarrassment, but recovered after a few seconds. " And those eyes of yours truly are something that can suck men into the stare of an endless ocean of pure beauty, and gifted with to suck guys into your lovely company, now where's my manners Names Kane a pleasure to meet such an attractive lady such as yourself " He took the hand and kissed it, before he heard that the music just stopped which was quite odd as the party should had lasted through the night if the hosts parents had gotten home early and some kind of embarrassment moment where the father hunts everyone out of the house. . . . But what he saw was far scarier than that, while in fact more gory than he would had liked. Looking over to the Dj table with the music system and all he saw that for lack of other words he was getting eaten by girls, not because of his looks but mere for this flesh " Um. . . That really isn't freaking normal" He said as he took his staff into an defensive stand, ready to hit someone with the iron piece.