Nora had her ear pressed to the door and she felt a surge of relief when she heard the Doctor's voice. She sounded different this time. More focused, a bit scary. Like she was channeling all of the unhinged, slightly kooky parts of herself into this threat. Nora felt herself shiver at the tone. But other than that the rest of the conversation the man and the Doctor shared didn't make much sense to her, especially when the man told the Doctor that he thought she was supposed to be male. He also didn't seem particularly intimidated by her and continued to say that he and his kind were going to take the planet. But why did they need Nora and her sister to do it? She just didn't understand. There was a cracking sound and it made Nora jump a bit. "Doctor?" she asked, both hands pressed against the door. "Doctor, what happening?" She didn't hear her voice respond. Instead the voice of the man spoke. She closed her eyes, trying to fight back the fear that was welling up inside of her. Either go willingly or get dragged out by force. Nora didn't want to give up and just go back to the people, the aliens, that had who knows what planned for her and Evie. Something very not good. She could continue to hide but she knew she didn't have the strength to stop them from breaking in. She stood and took a moment to gather all of her courage. It took everything she had to simply reach out, unlock the door, and swing it open. Nora gazed ahead of her, not looking at where the three people lay unconscious. She only had eyes for the man who was still standing. She stepped out of the bathroom, trying to keep the fear off of her face and clenching her fists so her hands wouldn't shake.