“… So you think it’s weird too…” Lydia frowned to herself. “I didn’t even think about it until someone mentioned it...” She thought a moment, before glancing up at the other people watching. “Whatever, ignore them… They’ll talk about it anyway…” She looked back at Adrian before remembering what she was saying. “I didn’t even think it was weird! Someone told me I need to think about it because people aren’t rooting for me to win the exit exam because of our weird thing we have. In his own words. I wondered if you thought it was weird too.” Lydia paused a moment, thinking. She went on a moment later, “ I mean, yeah, the first person I talked to after winning first was you, but that wasn’t my fault, you sort of came to me, so that was /your/ fault… But, you know, I still look like the weird one in it anyway. That’s the way it works. Hero standards, I guess… but then, like, after Thomas attacked me, you came to me… again… and I crumpled into tears like some preteen who didn’t get asked out to the prom! I didn’t even plan on telling you… It’s stupid.” She reached up, grabbing her own hair in frustration. “It’s so warm in here,” she griped, but looked around again. “And the rank thing, most of the students here don’t even believe it’s true!” Lydia frowned. “… I just can’t think very clearly right now, so I’m gonna need you to do the thinking for me. Are we weird?”