[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3iCEkF8.png[/IMG][/center] Solana had traveled quite far in the last three days, her boots caked in mud and her cloak covered in dirt. From afar one could mistake the grey cloaked figure for a small boy, possibly a squire by the looks of the swords she carried. This misconception had caused at least six bandits to make the mistake of ambushing Ana in an attempt to steal her blades. Often they were shocked to find a women alone, a few even seemed to enjoy that fact. Solana thought of her journey and allowed a smile to crack across her dust covered face at the thought of those men sliced to bits by her. It had been a tiring trek across the landscape trying to get to a small town she'd never heard of before, which wasn't uncommon for her. She stopped for a moment on the trail and looked up, the sun had been going down for a while now and it was obviously going to be dark soon if she didn't reach the town tonight she would miss her opportunity and have traveled for nothing. Breathing heavy from her travels, she pulled out her canteen and took a swig of water before breaking into a full sprint, she needed to get to that town as soon as possible. After running for some time and admittedly losing some force in her steps, she could see the dim orange lights of a settlement between the trees. Relieved she stopped running and approached slowly towards the town. From afar it seemed rather quite with a few people still about on the streets which was a good sign, meant the town felt safe. Solana arrived in the town late enough that those left on the street were beggars and drunks save the few peasants who still had agendas. She approached an older man who had been walking up the road lighting the last of the street torches wearing a somewhat official uniform. When he acknowledged her, the old man slowly lit the next torch before he turned to face her. [b]"Sir do you know where the Black Water tavern is?"[/b] Solana asked, trying to hurry the old man up. He stopped for a moment and examined her closely before jabbing a finger down the road and giving her a nasty look. Confused she nodded to him and kept her 'thank yous' to herself, quickly hurrying down the road before she realized why the man had given her a dirty look. The building had a massive sign hanging on the front clearly labeling it, feeling a bit sheepish Solana pulled the hood more over her face before stumbling into the tavern. Inside was an apparent ragtag group of colorful characters who seemed to be in the middle of some discussion, Solana noticed a dwarf who seemed to hold some sort of regard above the others. With a hooded head she nodded towards anyone who might've seen her before approaching a nearby empty table and sitting down. Sliding her hood off she revealed her thin neck and a pair of rather large grey eyes that seemed to dominate her face. She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand which had been red from running before lifting her eyes and looking at the group closely. Each one proved to be stranger than the next, none appeared to know each other though which allowed Solana to feel more comfortable with her role. Judging by their looks, she was confident none were better than she with a blade but in all honesty that meant nothing as Solana herself lacked language skills, survival skills and anything that really wasn't attributed to battle. Hopefully those who sat around her were massively skilled in their own specialties and could make up for what she lacked. For now she could only wait to see what would come next from this motley crew.