[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R2hScjo.png[/IMG] [b]MarcoPolo was confused for a second. [i]"Who is this Fido. You've must of mistaken me for someone else miss."[/i] MarcoPolo didn't have a lot of time to think that over, because the man that called him a dog earlier, was now calling him out. [i]"I don't have to explain myself to anyone, especially a roach like you!"[/i] One guy stood up and in MarcoPolo's mind he was standing up for MarcoPolo, but he was being sarcastic. Sarcasm was something MarcoPolo was not familiar with. [i]"Thank you sir."[/i] MarcoPolo finally sat down, when he heard someone enter the bar. With his heighten senses MarcoPolo could smell that it was another elf. [i]"If you want you can join us, you don't have to hide like a poor beggar or criminal. That is unless you are one of those?"[/i] MarcoPolo wasn't like most Kunites they were usually mellow or under the radar, unless provoked. MarcoPolo only had two switches, mean or super hyper. Right now the switch was on mean. [/b][/center]