First time was in grade 7 during a school cabin trip where On the Road Again came by to educate us younglings about mother nature. I was standing near the host of the show so I had a fair deal of screen time. The second was at college where I think CP24 (a news station) was doing a special on my college and they wanted to get my environmental law class. I was recorded asking a question. I caught both times on TV, which I think led to a bit of a feeling of "wait, that's it?" Due to anticipating something for a few weeks and making the time to be there when it airs and then seeing yourself for a few seconds. The effect is largely like watching an old family or friend video recording, you remember being there for the recording and now you're just watching it again. It kind of feels like a bit of a let down. I actually found getting my name mentioned in the newspaper far more exciting, you have more of a connection than just being visible for a few seconds.