[b][center]Amegakure Food Plantation First signes of trouble?[/b][/center] They quickly gathered all the intel they could. Little did they know that they were already watched. Upon observing the security details and the way both the plantation and the packing house was constructed, they gathered enough intel. The Leader will be waiting for them, to return with the valuable information They headed back to the point where they separated and upon meeting, they started to lead a quiet conversation that was ignored by everybody around them. After a while, they all seemed to agree upon something, and they all turned towards the same direction. However, one of them spotted a man that was paying way too much attention to them. He pointed at Itsuo and told his band something. They visibly picked up the pace as they headed towards the exit from the plantation, rudely showing away people and creating some unrest. Were they discovered, or just paranoid?