[center][b][i]Forging Something New... The Meeting of Koike Hon and Hayate Hyuzu A collab between: Gerontis and Chromehound (Part 2 of 2) Summary: Koike travels to the Guardians Armory in an attempt to find some new arm guards, and in the process he meets... a new friend?[/center][/b][/i] [hider=Part 2] Arriving at the stairs that would lead to the top of the Hokage mountain, Koike didn't see Hayate. Deciding to sit on the stairs, Koike leaned back as he yawned. Not that he was really tired, but he decided it would be a day he would take it easy. Or easy as he could. With now waiting for Hayate, Koike thought about what he would need to do the coming days. Keep up his stamina with exercises and such, making sure that he had enough tools and his gear in top shape. And of course his poison reserve. That would be vital in his opinion. Carrying the large bundle as he made his way towards the stairs, Hayate had a satisfied smile plastered on his face. It had taken a long time, and a lot of thought, but he had come up with a solution for Koike's tanto's, as well as his arm guards. Finally, he reached the staircase and saw the other boy sitting down. Making his way towards Koike, Hayate had his first thought of doubt... What if the other boy didn't like it? Shaking the thought from his mind, he continued. [b]"Hello Koike-san, sorry for the wait!"[/b] Snapping out of his thoughts, Koike turned his head to see Hayate approaching. [b]''That is alright. Wasn't that long.''[/b] Koike replied. He was very curious for the results that Hayate had for him. He was very curious to see if Hayate had been able to forge something what he had requested back when he paid the armoury a visit. Still sitting on the staircase, Koike rubbed his chin before he would ask a question. [b]''How are you?''[/b] Setting the bundle down in between them, Hayate grinned. [b]"I am doing quite well thank you. How about yourself?"[/b] Reaching into the bundle, Hayate pulled out the first items he was going to show Koike: the arm guards. The guards were composed of a base of layered black leather, that was hardened near the top, just enough to provide protection, but soft enough to avoid restricting movement. On top of and entwined with the leather, was a series of dark metal pieces, arranged in such a way to provive maximum protection to the user. The metal appeared to almost be a mix of dark gray and black, adding a slight sense of style to the guards, while also making them blend in with the rest of Koike's armour and gear. [b]''I am doing okay.''[/b] Koike said, sounding polite as he answered the question. Upon seeing the guards that Hayate had made, Koike became silent. He was impressed with the details he could already spot. [b]''I wondered. But are you a smith or a shinobi?''[/b] Koike asked, not able to hide his curiousity. He also meant it was a compliment, but wasn't completely sure if it would be seen as one. Glancing at the armguards again, he still felt a bit bad about not paying Hayate for them. His grin widening, Hayate almost laughed at Koike's response. [b]"I am a shinobi first and a smith second."[/b] Clasping his hands together, he tilted his head to the side. [b]"I suppose that it gives me a slight advantage when designing new weapons and gear, as I can use my experience to help design something more useful."[/b] Standing awkwardly for moment, Hayate shuffled his feet. Gesturing to the arm guards that Koike now held, he decided to continue briefing the other boy on the additions he had made to the pieces. [b]"I made a few... modifications to the design, I hope they're acceptable. First thing you might notice is that they are incredibly light, but you don't have to worry about the metal being weaker because of it. It's strong enough to protect you from the strongest of blows, or the sharpest of strikes. The metal is also chakra conductive, meaning that you can flow your wind natured chakra into it to increase it's blocking radius, or... well, whatever else you can think of really."[/b] Smiling, Hayate leaned down and pointed at the metal itself, making the gesture on his forearm of rubbing it. [b]"If you actually feel the metal, you will notice that there are some raised portions that have been sharpened to points. The purpose of those is to give you a bit of an advantage if it comes to close quarters fighting. There... uh... well there's also one other thing that I added to them, but that can wait until after you've seen what I was able to do with the tanto's. So, what do you think of the guards so far?'[/b] Slowly Koike placed and don on the guards. Other than the looks and details, he was quite surprised by Hayate's craftmanship. Listening to the details that was given, Koike could see the use of conductive chakra material in the guards. But not for what Hayate thought. Most would use conductive chakra material for more elemental purpose, but Koike saw the advantage of using his genjutsu techniques with the guards. One in particular. [b]''I can't express how impressed I am. They are very nice.''[/b] Still inspecting the guards, he couldn't help but to smile a little. Flexing the fingers of his right hand as he lowered his arm, he looked back at Hayate. [b]''I will make it soon up to you.''[/b] Though he wasn't sure how, cause who said that this person wanted to spend time with him? That and he was a shinobi, so Koike wasn't sure if he was a rival or not. [b]''Though are you sure you don't want to get paid?''[/b] Bowing his head a little at the praise, Hayate didn't know what to say at first. [b]"Thank you Koike-san. I am glad that you like them."[/b] When the other boy asked once again about payment, Hayate chuckled. [b]"As I said before, the work I do for the Guardians is not for profit, it is to help out the organization itself. I am more than happy to help out a fellow member, and a fellow shinobi. So, I am absolutely certain that payment isn't necessary."[/b] His eyes gained a brief glint and he snapped his fingers. [b]"Can't forget about the tanto's now, can we?"[/b] Reaching into the bundle, Hayate pulled out the two remaining items, Koike's tanto's. Handing them to Koike, he stood back and smiled. Taking the tanto's, Koike noticed some changes right away. They weighted differently than before. Not because now of the chain that connected them, which was smaller in length than he had requested, but in overal. [b]''Interesting.''[/b] Koike mumbled as he tried to figure out how the chain was connecting both weapons. [b]''I kind of want to ask what you had done with the tanto's, but after seeing your last piece. I suspect that you have a few tricks hidden away?''[/b] Looking back at Hayate, Koike still tried to weigh the weapons with his hands. They were not too light nor too heavy. What was good in his opinion. [b]"Guilty as charged."[/b] Hayate said with a chuckle. [b]"The chain itself needed to be very, very thin in order to retract back into the hilt, so I had to use a special metal in order to keep it strong enough while reducing the size. But, you're probably wondering more about how they attach to each other?"[/b] Grinning, Hayate pointed to the tanto in Koike's right hand. [b]"That tanto has a special contraption built into the hilt. When you flow your chakra into the hilt, you activate the mechanism. Using a mixture of both a powerful magnet, and a custom designed clasp, the chain attaches to the underside and then withdraws into the hilt itself, securing the two weapons together. If you flow a bit of chakra into the other tanto, it allows you to retract or lengthen the chain at will."[/b] Inspecting the tanto's again, Koike wasn't sure what to say. A thank you was just not fitting. But he didn't know Hayate long enough to offer him a proper handshake or anything that he considered appropriated. [b]''I am very grateful for this, Hayate.''[/b] Koike said, sounding genuine as he would sheath the tanto's in their sheath. The right one was bit heavier, due the chain being stored into the tanto. It was truly an interesting concept and he was interested of trying it out. But that would wait for another time, Koike decided. Already he could form up some tactics, but he decided to focus his attention back to Hayate. [b]''Which team are you part of?''[/b] Koike asked, actually curious about it. Truly happy that Koike seemed genuinely pleased, Hayate beamed. [b]"I am a member of Team 2, under Kiyomi Sato-Hon's leadership. Oh, and uh... well, there's one other thing that I added to the right arm guard. I figured... since you mentioned that you wanted to be able to use the tanto's independently, as well as chained together, I devised a method that would allow you to make use of the best of both worlds... There is another chain which retracts into a small space underneatht the front of the right arm guard. And the same connection mechanism that is in the right tanto, is in the front of the left guard."[/b] Pausing for a moment, he tried to explain exactly what it would allow Koike to do. [b]"Uh, well, basically this means that, if you wanted to, you could connect the tanto's to your arm guards and use them independently as well, increasing your range of movement with the weapons. And, well, anything else you can think of doing with it... Sorry if it's a little useless..."[/b] Looking down, Hayate blushed slightly. He wasn't sure if Koike would even find the addition helpful, but he had thought of it on a whim, and added it in. Grinning, Koike looked at the bracers. Truly, he wasn't sure what would be next, but they were really nice. Extraordinary, was more the word he should use for the bracers. And the tanto's. The grin was removed of his face as Koike stood up. He wasn't sure what he should give back. Money wasn't something that Hayate would accept, that was for sure. But what else did Koike had that could be useful for Hayate? Then his right hand went to his pouch to pick out what seemed to be a smokebomb. Holding it towards Hayate, Koike smiled. [b]''It might not be of the same value, but this is one of the few smokebombs I use. It has some poison, made by mixing various herbs together. Used correctly it will start to cause a paralyzed effect on a person.''[/b] With his other hand Koike would pick out the antidote. A small syringe with some fluid at the ready to be injected. [b]''The poison in the smokebomb can be inhaled and cause the paralyzed effect, but would be best if it can enter the body of the victim if there is a wound, allowing the poison to enter the body through the blood system.''[/b] His eyes widening briefly in surprise, Hayate didn't know what to say. He wasn't overly familiar with poisons, but he knew first hand just how effective they could be. [b]"Th...thank you Koike-san... I... I don't know what to say... This is really... cool."[/b] A smile filled his face as he gently took the bomb and looked it over. He was already thinking of ways to employ the poison in combat. Pausing for a moment, he reached out one hand towards Koike, holding it out for a handshake. [b]"It has been a pleasure Koike-san. Honestly."[/b] Stretching out his hand, Koike shook Hayate's hand. [b]''Most certainly has been. If you would like, please notify me when you would like to spend time together. I am interested to hear more about your smithing and how you learned to craft these things.''[/b] Koike suggested, adding something to it. [b]''Might would fun to tell you a bit about poison then, if that seems interesting?''[/b] It sounded like a mere trade, but Koike wasn't sure how else he could try to make it clear he wouldn't mind to see Hayate again. He owed him a lot. [b]"I'd like that."[/b] Hayate said, glad that Koike hadn't minded shaking hands. He had meant what he had said, Koike seemed like a good guy, and he wouldn't mind hanging out with him again. Kiyomi was always telling him he could use more friends after all... [b]"We should meet up, after the exams... if you wanted to..."[/b] Considering what Hayate said, Koike didn't see a real problem with it. The fact that Hayate mentioned the exams made Koike wonder if Hayate meant that he was going to participate as well or mayeb he had already passed them? Never the less, Koike still saw no harm. [b]''I wouldn't see any reason why not.''[/b] Smiling a bit, Koike felt a bit unsure what he should say. It sounded more like they said goodbye. Shoving his hands down into the pockets of his pants, Koike nodded. [b]''Till soon, Hayate. And thanks.''[/b] Nodding his reply, Hayate still held his smile. [b]"Same to you Koike-san. Take care for now!"[/b] Placing his hands in the pockets of his longcoat, Hayate made his way back towards Azumi. It had been a good day, and he had met a good person. Who knew... they may even become friends some day. Whistling a tune, Hayate continued his long walk. [/hider]