The old dwarf had been sitting in silence for most of the time the argument between the kunite and human went on. [i]These people will never survive what will come before them if they can't survive each other.[/i] The thought crossed the dwarf's mind that he should interrupt the conversation to explain but was interepted by the owner who had moved to his side quietly. The face of the dwarf, although it showed a calm, was hiding a furious anger. The glowing runes on the dwarf's ring told that he was calling upon its magic. [b]"Quiet! You fools have woken some of the people upstairs with your argument. I called you here to have you get the treasure from Kal'Draguraz but it seems you won't last that long because you will kill each other."[/b] said the dwarf. The first word he had spoken was amplified by the runes on his ring which had now come to softly glow. There was power in the runes still but he didn't want to use it quite yet. [b]"You idiots argue as if we were just mere strangers meeting each other. Strangers we are, but mere people we are not. Your class in society doesn't matter here. To make sure of this, I want you all to hand over all your coin to me after I am done telling you about what you have to do."[/b]said the strained voice of the dwarf. He had no intention of stealing their money but was intent on taking it. If they were to survive together, they must consider each other of equal status. For the dwarf, this meant that they all had to own the same amount of money. [b]"Now then, lets get to the point. My name is Guringar Zagir of the Hall of Zagir. You may not believe it but, I was born in Kal'Draguraz. Kal'Draguraz was this 'city of gold' that your bards tell stories of. I was young, a mere babe of ten years, when Kal'Draguraz fell. Yet, the foul beast that fell upon my home city was no ordinary beast. It was a deadly black which hadn't been seen by my people in centuries."[/b] Guringar said all of this with a solem look on his face. It was obvious that he cared about Kal'Draguraz. [b]"It was long ago that Kal'Draguraz fell, it will be six hundred years in a few weeks. Many of your people go searching for Kal'Draguraz because they want the treasure. What I want you to do is the impossible. You are to get into Kal'Draguraz and kill the black dragon known as Belthar the Corrupter. This task won't be easy, but if you complete it you will live the rest of your live as kings and queens."[/b] said the quiet voice of Guringar. His statement had obviously caused some shock among the adventurers. These people had thought it to have just be a quest to get the gold. [b]"Now then, if you are truly comitted to this cause you shall sign this document,"[/b] Guringar says as he takes out and unrolls a document [b]" with your full name. This document is a commitment to complete your quest even if it means you have to die. Upon signing this document, you will hand your money to me so that you people can start anew."[/b] The document was placed in the center of the table with a quill and ink next to it. The document was long and wordy but anybody who had read over it could tell that it was just confirmation that the people were willing to die for the treasure. At the bottom of the document were eleven lines of: [i] I____ sign my name unto this document in a sane state of mind that I agree to all conditions as they are in this document.[/i]