Yari’s party was wonderful. Kenshin had little to do with the planning, but was happy to donate Col to the event. Goodness knows he had enough, even after purchasing his new weapon: a two-handed katana. The blade had yet to be tested in combat, but was rather impressive, both in looks and in stats. Despite its name, the weapon could be used with either one hand or two, giving it a certain amount of versatility unrivaled by most other weapons. Kenshin sat in the back of the inn during the party and quietly observed the proceedings. He added his own cheers when appropriate, hugged Yari along with the others, and did actually participate. Kenshin was even one of the catcallers when Yari came out in her spidersilk dress. Luna put a quick end to this, though. Kenshin did not, however, stand out at the party. He was still quite nervous in large groups and decidedly avoided them. When the party began to wind down, Kenshin decided that it was time for him to take a walk. On his way out, Kenshin stopped by to give Yari another hug and nodded his goodbyes to the rest of his team. Kenshin walked out of the inn and reveled in the cool night air sweetly kissing his skin. The 21st floor was built as a coastal town with soaring bluffs, green fields, and rolling meadows. It made Kenshin think of his home back in Niigata. There was a small stone path running out along the sheer bluffs where one could take a leisurely walk and feel the ocean’s spray on their face. Kenshin found a small bench overlooking the sea and brought out one of the few items he carried that had no combat value: a fishing pole. Fishing was one of the few physical activities Kenshin enjoyed back in the real world, mostly because it was the only thing his father regularly took the time to do with him. Kenshin cast his line and took in a deep breath of the soft sea breeze. Looking around, Kenshin realized that he was not alone in the enjoyment of this night. There was a tall woman, about Kenshin’s age, standing alone on one of the tall cliffs. The woman wore armor, even in town, and had her pure white hair tied back in a long braid down her back. “Sorry I disturbed you, this area reminds me of home and it’s so lovely tonight I can hardly let it go to waste. I’ll go find another place to go fish,” Kenshin called out. The woman turned to regard him. “Don’t worry, I was of the same mind myself. The similarities between this place and my native Niigata are truly stunning. In truth, I am happy that someone else is able to enjoy this night as much as I, myself do.” As the woman moved closer, a look of complete surprise dawned over her face. “Wait, is that you Kenshin? Have I finally found you after 5 months of searching?!” Realization hit Kenshin like a brick to the face. “Ayano Nobunaga? I didn’t know you were in this kriffing game too! I’m so sorry, you have to call this hellhole home as well.” Ayano- or Alphard Shurai as his HUD told him- was one of Kenshin’s oldest friends and the secret love of his life, though he’d never had the heart to tell her. Kenshin had lived next door to ‘Alphard’ for his whole life and he’d never seen any indication of an interest in video games. He ran forward to embrace the woman, both crushed that she was stuck here and overjoyed that he had found her after all this time. Alphard was nearly moved to tears. She had spent five long months consumed only by rage and fear. She had come into the game a day late, not knowing what fresh hell she had wandered into. Also, upon entrance to the game, she had found a kind and caring older man who offered to accompany her on her journeys and help her. As soon as they were out in the wilds, though, the man turned on her and attempted to rape and kill her. Thankfully, Alphard already knew how to fight and was able to kill her attacker first. This had all led her to adopt a shell of raw emotion and rage, wearing only heavy armor to protect her in the blind rushes she preferred. With a special war scythe she had picked up as a drop from the 17th floor’s boss, Alphard was practically a tank on the battlefield. And now she had found the man she had fallen in love with years ago. Therefore, it came as a great joy to Alphard when Kenshin broke the embrace and asked her if she wanted to come join his team.