Kat raised an eyebrow at the dwarf's speech. The tavern was quiet as everyone absorbed his words. "So…" her voice cut through the heavy silence. "You want us to give you all of our money in the middle of the greatest depression Arcazia's seen in a century, go to your old home and fight a battle that we have no investment in whatsoever, and literally sign our lives away, just in case we come to our senses and decide to bail out before we get a chance to die." Kat scoffed and glanced around at the people gathered. "This isn't a job, it's a scam. Not even a very good one, if you ask me." Her voice betrayed her growing irritation. The old dwarf was just trying to blind them with the promise of fame and riches to make some quick coin! She'd come to this tavern because she was bored and had nothing better to do with her time, but dying a fiery death wasn't worth slogging through the Spine with a bunch of mismatched brutes with delusions of grandeur.