Kane just looked back at Brenda a few seconds before facing towards the zombies again. You know the typical zombie stuff with flesh being forcefully being bitten off, pilled off and other funny things which was funny to joke about if you had a sick sense of humor. This however was the reality as much as he had hopped that he, was just having an lovely nightmare as he soon would wake up covered in sweat and breath fast as he tried to calm himself. But again fuck reality as that wouldn't happen. The funny thing is that Kane was at the brink of throwing up as he aw the gruesome sight of the zombies eating, tearing and generally just wreaking havoc like any normal zombie horde. . .Lovely. The brown haired boy looked back to Brenda to see she was busy with something in the closet, and by the sound of her talking with herself she was seaching for something that he hopped was a weapon and not some makeup to make her look sexy before she would either survive and run like a mad women on crack being chased by a raccoon with a plastic spoon but in this case zombies with blood on their mouths and clothes while sounding like they were humping a dry lass, or die the most gruesome death ever, which he really didn't hope. Looking back again after he had smashed one zombie with the top formed like an lion head staff and keep doing that until brain matter was showing. Seeing her with an bat which was made out of metal or so he could see it. He was hoping that she had a plan out of here as he really didn't have any plan what so ever than to at least try and escape the fuck away from this place and hopefully find someplace save to sleep for the night. Looking towards the blonde beauty he nod " Alright lead the way then " He said as he followed her, kissing the wall with his body as he tried to stay as close as she was to the wall