Glory could help to get his family out of the slums just as much as gold could. And now he was being promised a king's share of both. ...To risk life and limb attempting to slay a dragon. He'd never even seen a dragon before. Sure, he'd heard tales of them, but what good was that when tales grew in the telling? He'd have no problem handing over his coinpurse. It was his own coin, and he could hunt and cook in the wild. So the loss of it posed no immediate threat to his survival. Only to his comfort. And too much comfort might make one lazy. The goblin turned to Kat. He looked right at her and posed his problems with her assessment of the dwarf. He sounded almost animal, as goblin voices often did. But his knowledge of less than honorable practices was sure to make him sound even more monstrous. "Somehow, I don't think we're being conned. I mean really, he doesn't have any heavily armed men guarding the entrance. He doesn't have a lookout or even a side man. There are people sleeping upstairs. He cares about that. And if he were trying to scam us, and we found out, he might take down three of us tops before someone gutted him. Even a wet behind the ears amateur wouldn't be stupid enough to run a scam that looks like this." Although, he had his feelings of indecision over the whole thing, they didn't stem from the same source that Kat's seemed to. Ekindu then turned back towards the dwarf and went on. "Yet, I don't see how losing our coin together is going to magically put us all on equal footing. If your going to take something from us, Guringar, you should give us something as well. Something we'll need. Like knowledge about dragons."