[img]http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/attachment.php?attachmentid=187372[/img] Name - Sarahn Empire, formerly known as the Bantem Republic, Forne Kingdom, Wellin City states. ( ^ In case anyone wants previous history :D) [URL=https://imageshack.com/i/pc0x8Rr1p][IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/912/0x8Rr1.png[/IMG][/URL] [hider=Capital - Atrius] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081017144212/wowwiki/images/9/9b/Lordaeroncity.jpg[/img] Atrius was originally constructed as a circular fortress upon a natural plateau with a large lake in the center. As time went on and populations increased, the city expanded on to the plains below. There are multiple walls that surround sections of the city that grow larger the further out they spread, akin to a tree ring as each one was created by different governments as the city grew. The inner two circles, including the plateau are generally uniform in that they have large spires and massive domed buildings that function as apartments, barracks, shops etc. The third ring has a mix of building types as that section had been sacked twice before. The next two are similar but were not created from war but rather traders that took up residence and brought thier construction techniques and styles with them. Current population is 39,000.[/hider] Other Major Settlements - [Hider=Hakar'jun] [img]http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/220061/Arab_City.jpg[/img] The city was the capital of one of the many city states that used to exist before the empire was forged. It is in a partial desert region that has infuenced many building types. Bustling open air market places and small shanty like houses line inside the walls. outside the area is far more desolate with some homes being nothing more than a bucket with a tent. The walls are are circular to an extent with the eastward wall being twice as tall as the rest to shield the city from the massive sandstorms that have plagued the area in the past. This city is one of the few people would call out of place as other than new government buildings and rebuilt portions of the wall are unlike anything else in the empire. Current population is 21,000.[/hider] [Hider=Lidarova] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSFmdj56nEzCnnC2RwmAxoZmsd3CarOdr5C1CJsD1xo9tEzLkz3[/img] This city sits on largest coast of the nation. It serves as the largest port in the empire and is heavily defended from naval threats. This heavy defense has been strategically set up using information from the city's harsh history. It has been sacked twice and burned to the ground twice. Some people say its bad luck to build there but the empire uses it as a symbol that they will overcome any obstacle. the construction, other than massive towers housing catapults and large ballistae, are generally the same as the capitol itself. Current population is 16,000[/hider] Most settlements have been created with a circular shape in mind as that has been the norm since humans first took over these lands. Population - roughly 6.3 million, including 'lesser' races. Races - [hider=Human] [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/283/9/a/medieval_town_by_shutupandwhisper-d6q07yv.jpg[/img] Just plain people.[/hider] [hider=Elf kind] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwjNIEjZrNwjFs9mqN6NGmpLJwzfyFc6qpeZ6bqTWKRdj8Xiv-[/img] These creatures stand on average, 4 to 5 foot tall. They are long lived, generally upwards of 100 to 200 years of age. They are excellent manipulators and are not usually trusted. -See history, "The long night" [/hider] [hider=Goblin folk] [img]http://www.mythicalcreatureslist.com/images/gallery/image441.jpg[/img] The goblins are believed to be a descendant or cousin of the Elf but no one can be sure. These beasts are excellent skirmishers and serve well in the military. Other than their service there, most can be found roaming the deserts in caravans or make shift settlements, some still reside in their former nation, rebuilding their cities under the watchful eye of the empire. -See history, "The winter war" [/hider] Culture - The people generally follow the doctrine of the Phoenix which has influenced every thing from the style of roads and the picture of the bird on the standard currency. The doctrine is one of the under dog, that every one has something to prove and will follow through with it. The people aren't a war like nation even though their military would give the impression. The public opinion is heavily taken in to consideration when it comes to prolonged war fare. Many Leaders, be them Republic Senators or Emperors have been dethroned for taking too long or fighting for the wrong reasons. Music is somewhat popular but no true songs, other than certain small chants and a short version of the national anthem is widely known. Most regions develop their own music and products which are then spread to other areas. A real national culture is hard to describe as it includes so many failed states or conquered ones. One thing does stand above all else, Serve the Empire. Crimes - You get what you give, and eye for an eye. In each city there is a elected man who serves as the judge and jury. The accuser faces off against the accused in a series of debates and after they are done, the judge will determine the results. Most charges are given a slap on the wrist but serious ones such as murder or rape usually involve gruesome public executions. In the desert city of Kahndar, in the same region as Hakar'jun, is a ritual where a man has his hands and feet cut off and is then fed to giant snakes that will devour the man whole. The ones inside can be heard screaming for hours at times as he/she is literally digested alive. As bones crush and flesh dissolves, the screams end and eventually a new person takes the digested persons place. Government type - Empire [hider=Emporer Titus Ardus IV] [img]http://i410.photobucket.com/albums/pp186/Lucrecia_Luna/gothic-fantasy-extended-1.jpg[/img] Titus was born in Atrius. His father was an influential member of the imperial senate for many years. When Titus came of age and joined the military, his fathers rank made no difference upon him and he served as a front line soldier for three years before making any progress in rank. His break out came during the fifth Inan rebellion. The general of the fifth army, to which Titus served, was involved in a two year siege of the port city of Numis. As the siege was starting to prove futile for the attackers, Titus took a small band of soldiers and raided a smaller port city down the coast. They captured a couple Inan warships and sailed them in to Numis itself. As they disembarked, they were greeted as regular Soldiers and in a Trojan horse fashion, they opened the city gates during the night, ending the siege in a mere day and ended with the current city of Numis being nothing more than brimstone and dried blood. After this feat, he returned home a hero and became the leader of the senate. Many were displeased with the current emperor so the Imperial palace guard came to Titus and gave him the chance to take his predecessors place on the throne. No one ever found out what happened to the old Emperor but few seemed to be upset about the change of hands.[/hider] Will add more people as I think of them. Industry- Shops, workshops, "factories" are always local to a region. Even military weapons, although using the same blueprint, are different to an extent from region to region. Many older areas still use archaic methods of production like early human tool making by strapping a rock to a stick. The majority though enjoys a somewhat uniform distribution of crafted tools and goods. Military- There are currently seven standing professional armies of five-thousand two-hundred soldiers for each city state and one separate army that makes up the naval forces.The ground army includes every thing from front line soldiers to catapult operators and the navy ranges from archers to rowers. This count includes shipyard supervisors but not the civilian workers. Each city-state has their own "police" forces as the Armies assigned to each city-state is there to maintain general order and defend the nations borders. Most Standing army soldiers are from the city-state they defend so most have a slight advantage to knowing their own lands. The professional army also works specified farms that are used to lighten the load on civilian ones. The nation could also field a huge army if needed but this would strain the nations resources quickly. This is only reserved for times of war when the standing armies start to fail. Each army uses the same structure for ease of military command. [hider=Front line soldiers] [img]http://www.hroarr.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/rome_legion-iii.jpg[/img] A mix of Human and Goblin skirmishers. They have two lines, the shield soldiers and the supporting spear-men. The shield soldiers will form a wall then hold the line. They are armed with swords for offense capability. The Shield soldiers will methodically move a shield to the side in just enough time for the spear-men to thrust through and impale the attacking soldiers. They normally carry one short sword to supplement close combat if they were forced out of the shield formation. The standard practice is for additional spears to be put in piles near the front line spear-men in case one breaks or they decide to throw them at a target.[/hider] [hider=Rangers][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140202163403/heroes-of-camelot/images/e/e0/Crossbowman.jpg[/img] Behind the skirmishers are the ranged soldiers. Goblins have great upper body strength so they throw a heavy spear in to the enemy lines or use a band to have a three-man make shift slingshot to throw large stones at short range. Archaic but it makes for effective short range crowd control. Humans make up the majority of the archer line that is usually behind the goblin heavy spear-men. These soldiers use a standard heavy crossbow that fires high powered bolts at mid range and behind them is the longbow men who fires deep in to the enemy lines. the bowmen usually set up large bowls with tar that is then ignited using stationary torches to fire flaming arrows in to the enemy lines.[/hider] [Hider=Artillery] [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3136/3058522201_ba207ce1ea.jpg[/img] Behind that is the support artillery. Mid range catapults soften up the enemy lines with either solid boulders or urns with flaming oil in it. The Ballistae operate behind those, firing well placed shots in to the more heavily armored forces. Far behind the lines if there is time to set up, are the long range trebuchets that throw huge payloads at extreme (for the time period) range. The trebuchets are usually well behind the lines and deployed for siege warfare.[/hider] [hider=Cavalry] [img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/features/feat213a_ytknazztfx.jpg[/img] Cavalry is the last "line" that is composed of both goblin and human horsemen. Once the line has stabilized and the enemy force is slowed down, the cavalry will attempt to flank the enemy and destroy enemy artillery and then attack the enemy ranks from the side and rear. Horsemen are armed with spears and swords. The spears are thrown first to disorient the foe with the sudden attack and then the horsemen move in with special scimitars. There are horse archers as well but are usually used in open range skirmishes that do not require ground soldiers in large battle formations.[/hider] [hider=The Navy] [img]http://pixelatedgeek.com/wp-content/gallery/total-war-rome-ii/28191twrii_naval_bigfleet.jpg[/img] The maritime forces aren't as emphasized in the empire as the ground forces. In no way does this mean they are neglected or weak. They use the most advanced methods of ship making available to them and the strongest wood and metal they can get their hands on. Multiple different sizes are present but the majority of the ships would be listed as light to medium size ships, with heavy ships used for specific events like sieges. All navy ships carry a compliment of rowers and the rest are marines. These ships use various methods of destroying other ships. Catapults firing flaming urns to not only impact and damage the hulls of ships and also spread fires, Archers firing arrows at the marines or rowers if the ship gets close enough but the primary weapon is the ballistae. The weapon fires a long bolt with an extra wide head for doing as much damage as possible to an enemy ships hull. If the enemy ship is deemed worthy of capture or it becomes necessary to board to simply destroy, boarding ramps with steel spikes at the end are used to gives the marines this ability.[/hider] History - Brief history (not quite sure of year length or what not so just go with it.) [b]Early period[/b] Humans began migrating from southern regions. Elves originally allowed the humans to settle but impose harsh laws and force servitude. Every family must give away the eldest son once maturity is reached. No one knew what happened to their kids but in all reality, the elves were killing them, skinning them, and making strange garments from the flesh. [b]First Kar-Devis war[/b] The first Human settlements begin to form and begin to fortify. they still reluctantly obey the Elves but a fracture occurs in the human kingdom and two sides emerge. The elves commit many crimes to instigate a massive war between the two human kingdoms. After thousands die, a truce is formed by a backdoor agreement that led to the long night. [b]The Long Night[/b] A large sect of humans called the "Prions" emerge from seemingly nowhere. They tell the tale of the elves starting the war and committing atrocities against the humans. As talk of rebellion and freedom spread through the human lands, The elves begin hunting the Prions down to silence and quell the possibility of war. All the succeeded was making the Prions martyrs. During the night in the then-Elven capitol of lallian'ti (Modern Atrius) humans began systematically killing elves. At first it was silent and well executed but the elves grew aware and the war exploded on to the streets. The Elven city began to burn and with that signal, the entire human population took up arms. As the Elven fortresses were all populated by humans, there was nowhere for the elves to hide and within a years time, the elves were almost eradicated. [b]Intermediate period[/b] To show civility, the first true king of a free human people declared many laws and special edicts, the two most prolific were that no elf shall outlive a man. This meant that the average human age of 40-50 was all an elf could look forward to. The doomed age elves would be sent in to the wilderness and given a quick death. the other law was that the Elves are not to ever form a government again. Eventually the elves began to wane in number from fleeing the borders or lack of diversity in breeding. The Elven empire became nothing but a footnote. [b]First Republic[/b] The first king wanted to further unify the people by creating a fair system of rule where each human kingdom had say but it began to collapse over years as corruption set in and with no real national military, there was no way to really impose law. [b]Second Kar-Devis war[/b] The human nations split in two again and as war enveloped the lands, a number of city states were forged. After around ten years of constant warfare, the states seemed to enjoy a short age of "lesser" bloodshed. [b]Unification of the upper kingdoms[/b] Bandit lords started to emerge to feast upon this new peace. They would strike caravans and even raid smaller cities which forced many of the new kingdoms to raise standing armies. A young man named Karnian rose from one of the smaller city states in the north. He made fame killing a number of bandit lords and bringing their heads to various kingdom leaders. Karnian rose to power within seven years, unifying the entire northern kingdoms under one banner. No one knew that he was in fact, the man who pushed the first criminals to become bandit lords. [b]the winter war[/b] The first goblins came into the kingdom from the far north. Their initial reception was fair as they seemed to come in relative peace but after a misunderstanding at a dinner and a few well placed attacks by human hating goblin caused a massive war. The initial stages of the war were tilted heavily in the goblins favor and many cities were burned to the ground. Karnian however, called upon the south to join him in the fight. Many humans at the time were still heavily indoctrinated about the horrors of the 'Long night' so many wanted the glory of their ancestors, to fight a perilous foe. Once rallied, the humans delivered crushing blow after blow, forcing the goblins to retreat to the mountains from which they came. [b]Unification of the lower kingdoms[/b] The war was going well and over the next forty years, the goblins were pushed to the edge of their last city. The humans, exhausted from the long war, were hit with heavy force by the last goblin defenders. The humans needed a way out. They got crafty and piled stones about human height and painted them in human colors. They were put far enough away that any one looking from a telescope would see a mass army in the distance. A few scouts would see the facade but were quickly hunted before any word could reach the goblin nation. An ultimatum was sent to the goblins along with a crude map that would lead their gaze towards the horizon, where the stone army was placed. The goblins, fearing a new surge of human forces, surrendered unconditionally. Karnian showed no remorse and started ordering high ranking goblins murdered to prove power. It was later revealed though, that Karnian had staged the bandit conflict and incited the goblins. Word spread quickly that the goblins had not been the monsters they were portrayed to be. They would attack cities but never slaughter women and children, rather take them to safe camps. The humans started to respect the goblins and along with word of the goblins honor, came word of Karnians treachery. Karnian disappeared and for five years he was assumed dead before goblins found him hiding in a cave. Instead of killing him for starting the war, the goblins marched him to the northern human capitol at the time. The goblins had earned their place in the nation and Karnian was quartered, torn in half and his entrails paraded around the city. [b]Unification wars[/b] Humanity enjoyed a mere month of peace before kings started claiming the new super state for themselves. War broke out once more with the goblins now fighting along side certain human groups that they deemed honorable. The war was long and terrible at first but started to strain to small skirmishes. This war lasted almost one hundred-fifty years and had reached the point where no one even remembered what started the war. [b]New empire[/b] Hungry for peace, the humans began following the banner of a new self-appointed emperor, Justilous I. He formed an army and crushed all resistance in the northern kingdoms and allied the goblins. Promising a new nation where the two could live side by side, they joined this new empire. The forces marched south and, for the most part, took the south without any problems. Justilous I sent armies in all directions to secure a new border for the nation. Cartographers walked the land and a very accurate map was made of the nation and the surrounding areas. Commerce began and the basic laws were put in place. By the time of Justilous IV's rule, the empire had reached a new high. All major roads were paved with stone and caravans were timed to keep bandits at an all time low, as if the caravan was late, militias would travel and find the culprits. As time continued, various other emperor lines were made and fell. Some basic wars between city-states were done but all were quelled upon the arrival of one of the Standing armies. They pushed the weapons of war to their limits and started to stage fake castle sieges among other training scenarios. [b]Inan rebellions[/b] The training would pay off and the first national army had arrived at a small port city to quell another petty rebellion but the conflict rose quickly to include five entire city states. It took three full strength armies to even put a dent in the enemy fortifications. Castle seiges happened en masse' and the first real naval engagements began. The major port city of Lidarova was seiged four times in a row but with the upgraded defenses from wars past would always push the enemies back. At its height, it looked as if a small island chain had formed from the abundance of floating shipwrecks. Massive catapults flung burning projectiles in to the wooded ships and ballistae would tear through the hulls, killing rowers and disorienting the remaining crew. At this time, Young Titus Ardus IV rose from the ranks to eventually lead the nation during the conflict. After it ended, he became the new emperor [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS__EzLNALyFtHYHcToxGw2CS6GnSLDlIJlXrkeG0OiYtcvYjCJLg[/img] [i] The triumphant Emperor returns[/i] [b]Modern times[/b] With trade between the city states stable, the standing army is well fed and fully equipped and the navy uses the most modern ships available. The nation has reached a time of peace and quiet. Many people are so happy with these last twenty years of peace that Titus Ardus is quite possibly the most adored leader that the city states have seen since the first king of the first republic. People are well connected now so current affairs are much wider known in the nation. Titus Ardus knows one thing for sure; Knowledge is power.