New York City. A place known for its pizza, Lady Liberty, baseball, and corrupt businesses. So corrupt, that even the local government is getting in on it. When Mayor Lionheart was put in power, crime has been strict on some gangs and laws, but lenient on gangs secretly working for large corporations. The people don't know what to think of the government, in today's economy the rich get richer and everyone else is left on the streets. Sheriff Wolf puts an end to any protests against the Mayor, large businesses shut down smaller ones, and everyone has seemed to have lost hope. Then the Merry Men came along. A group of very skilled individuals in stealth, hacking, persuasion, and combat, they are lead by the mysterious Robin Hood. They don't kill, they don't terrorize, the only thing people claim them to do is steal large amounts of money from corrupt businesses, and then donate to charities, or give away unmarked bills silently in the street. No one knows how many there are, or what they look like, except their leader wears a green hood, and carries around a bow for protection. The mayor has done everything to take down these "Group of Vigilantes" by any means necessary, but the Merry Men are always one step ahead. So far none have been caught, and they are slowly giving that hope to New York. Many will try to stop them, others will join, and some people will have good hearts but wrong intentions to try and help them. They show no sign of stopping, even with the large bounty on their heads. No one seems to want the money, because they know you get what you give. Robin Hood and his gang have become notorious, and you are either with them, or against them in this world of Capitalism. RULES: 1) This is a modern day version of the classic tales of Robin Hood, so if you would like to incorporate a character in to this world, please do so! If you have an idea for a new character, also do so! 2)Don't be jerks. No killing others, the police won't instantly find the Merry Men, and the Merry Men won't always be successful in their missions. 3)This will be a more mature RP, blood, violence, language, romance, drama, all of the good stuff! 4) Please stick to one character for now until I see how many are interested in joining 5) If you have any questions or concerns with other characters, or just the RP in general, please send me a PM! 6) Please please please no one sentenced posts! I do believe in quality over quantity, but saying "She opened the door." isn't going to help with the story. FORM: Name: Alias: Optional Age: Appearance: Faction: NYPD, Merry Men, Civilian, etc. Occupation: Bio: Doesn't have to be long Personality: Skills/abilities: optional Family/Loves Ones?: Friends, family, boy/girlfriend, cousin, etc. Other: ---------------------- Name: Robert "Robin" Locksley Alias: Robin Hood Age: 27 Appearance: [hider=Robert][img=][/hider] In Robin Hood uniform: Green hoodie, black handkerchief around mouth, small pads on shoulders, forearms, and knees, black boots and jeans, quiver and bow, with a knife belt across chest. Faction: Merry Men Occupation: Unemployed, used to be a lawyer Bio: I know what it was like to be rich. I was born to two very wealthy people. My father owning a law firm, and my mother being a lawyer before she passed away. I had all the money in the world, i wasn't going around bragging about it, but I was oblivious to the amount of money every else did. I would stick up for those who needed it, befriended those who would accept my friendship. I met some good friends I still have today in my younger years. One of those good friends was Tyrone Tuck, more commonly known as Friar Tuck. I was a young boy when I first met him, with my parents being Catholics, but as the time went on I would often go to the Friar for his advice, because he didn't really seem to take sides, or hold grudges (which is very good for me). Like Robin, Friar Tuck had this habit of trying to help those who weren't economically sound, or just needed the help in any case. I soon followed in my parents footsteps becoming a lawyer, using my charm and looks to give me an edge. They started to teach me when I was young so I wouldn't take so much time in school, they also had connections to make the process faster, and I was a natural at that as well. I usually took the cases others wouldn't, which didn't make my dad or his business partners happy. That didn't stop me from doing what's right. But being this, there was this girl... Marian Anderson had to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but being a cocky, rich lawyer gave me that... I messed around with her, tried to use my charm in a not so romantic way, and well.. she didn't like it that much. We respected each other professionally. I partied, I laughed, I had fun, dad and I would go to the shooting range every once in a while as well, you can never be too safe in New York. I was pretty good with a bow and a sniper if I do say so myself. Everything was going right until my dad told me to purposely lose a case. I refused, and one night after work, I was beaten to a bloody pulp to make it clear that I lose that case. I won it... but that came with a price. I went bankrupt, I lost connection to my father, and I had nothing to my name... I went to Friar Tuck for some recovery, him giving me a place to stay and some food until I got up on my feet again. But I was smart. I had a few hundred dollars stored in a secret account, I bought a small apartment, i had some friends retrieve some personal items for me, and I trained. I wasn't going to get my ass handed to me again. I spent days working out, learning to fight, throw knives, parkour, everything a successful thief needs. It took a long time, a lot of scars, mess ups, but I did it. All that was left to do was get a band of people together that has the same interests... So i made some calls, made arrangements, and a few skilled friends of mine stole tens of thousands of dollars from a business who hired guys to beat me up before my life changed... Since then our legend grew. Little John and I grew Our band of Merry Men (and Women!), and we are the most wanted people in New York, with yours truly at the top. We give most to charity and those who really need it, and we keep a bit of it to get new technology, weapons, and these nice matching costumes to hide our identities. When I'm not being the infamous Robin Hood, I'm either sleeping, doing some research, or pretending to be a beggar on the street and giving actual beggars money. I enjoy this much more than helping the big bad businesses make more money. Personality: Charming, witty, and a smartass. Very intelligent, and is very persuasive. Extremely loyal and trustworthy to those who earn it, or to those who are in need of help. Brave, courageous, and enjoys to have fun. Skills/abilities: -Master Archer/Marksman: A natural gift. He would be taken to the shooting range every once in a while, and archery was very easy to him. Over the years it became second nature to him. He was born in the wrong era -Hand-to-hand combat: In the couple years of being jobless he had a lot of time on his hands. He took classes, had his friends in low places teach him, and although he's not the best, he can take on a couple of people long enough to get away. -Parkour: Easily can climb over fences and climb up to fire escapes. Can't scale skyscrapers, but he can escape tricky situations -Tech Savvy: Everyone in this day and age is, right? Friends taught him the basics of hacking, but he can't do the hard core stuff. -Acting skills: Another hidden talent. He has the ability to make accents, act like a beggar, a CEO, a foreigner, etc. -Knows how to drive a Zamboni: He has had some crazy parties in the past... Family/loved ones?: Father-- lost contact with him for years, Little John-- One of my closest friends, Friar Tuck-- A long time friend and a favorite person to give money to, Marian--In love with the woman, but she hates the old "Lawyer Robert" Other: Has a few scars from gunshot wounds, falling off things, and broken glass