Alexi can feel his body tense slightly as Erik moves over to join him on the ledge, however as he continues talking he finds that keeping up a conversation helps him relax. [i]'He must be use to these kinds of things. I do not imagine that there is much privacy in their camps, such a thing being a luxury really. Even my dear brother bathes in public for his job. I really should not let it bother me. . .'[/i] When he hears Erik say that he and Grunback are viewed in the same boat by the rebellion he is both disgusted, but understanding. “Well, that makes sense. I know the majority of my family’s fortune came through control devices, and now I own them all. . . .” He sighs softly. “I can only offer you the truth Erik, and hope it will be enough for you.” he murmurs softly, moving on to his torso with the scraping stone. Alexi's eyes widen as the vampire reaches around him and picks up one of the stones. The closeness makes him still, but he continues a moment later when Erik pulls back, only to completely freeze up when he feels the stone on his back. It is only for a moment and with his face turned away from the man he's unsure if he would even notice, however in short order he continues scrubbing, if much more slowly. He doesn't even have time to reason it out before the man's question forces it's way to the front of his mind and shuts down his other processes. With a light cough he looks towards one of the walls for a moment before looking back down at the stone in his hand working over his chest. “It was not easy, by any means. Mois brought me the files on all the leaders, redacting the names of course, and after I made my selection Mois began setting up the sting.” As his hands slip further down to work on his legs he becomes immensely glad that the water is hot to explain away the flush. The last thing he wants is Erik knowing he's as innocent as an underage catholic school girl. “One of your members was zeroed in on. One you trusted that worked at one of my shops. I am sure you know who it was by now.” He lets out a sigh, rolling his shoulders. After the initial shock the feeling of having his back washed by someone else makes the eccentric billionaire wonder why he's never asked anyone before this to do so. “Anyways, after he was captured, he was bound to one of my workers during a scheduled week long trip. After a few weeks when he went about his work as usual for both my company and your operations he was given the information to deliver to you guys, and once it was confirmed that you all were going to act on it Mois moved on to the next part of the plan.” Bringing his leg up so he can work on his lower leg Alexi glances over his shoulder before going on, his focus back on his cleaning. “Now, mind you, I don't know all the details, but he convinced his boss to let him and a few others take the back way into the building.” He pauses, looking back at Erik with a gentle smile. “By the way, after the sting went down, the bound one was given the antidote. He knows nothing of the plan to capture you, and he had done what he needed to, so I had him set free. I told my people it was an experiment. Only a couple people who are sympathetic to the rebellion know about it, one of which was the man the magical was bound to. I know it doesn't make up for what happened, I just thought it may comfort you to know that he's free now. Well, as free as he can be. I am mot sure how your fellows will treat him. I do not see them trusting in the fact that he is no longer enslaved. . .” Looking to the ceiling for a moment he lets out a soft sigh and begins working on the other leg. “Anyways, after that was I guess what you would call the easy part. Mois had the team ready to enter, you all charged in the way he thought you would, and he entered the building separate from the rest of the team. As team leader, it was his prerogative. He stalked you, knocked out you and the ones you were with, made sure no one was around, and took you out of there. I know you may find it hard to believe but my brother is one of if not the best at what he does. You should feel no shame that he took you down. He did his homework. I doubt anyone but my dear brother could have pulled it off, at least not without the rest of the team noticing.” Rolling his shoulders he says softly. “Thank you for scrubbing my back Erik.” Finished with everywhere he'd care to wash in front of the man Alexi puts his stone away, taking the one from the vampire as well and putting it away. Stretching out in the water he smiles and stands. “On to the next one.” He says, pointing to another small bath nearby. He climbs carefully out of the tub, his shyness lost momentarily as another wave overcomes him. His head falls and a faint noise makes it's way out of his throat as he tenses with all but one leg out of the tub. The wave passes quickly however and he is able to conclude his story, flipping around so he's sitting with both of his lower legs dangling in the water rather than perched on his hands and knees. “Anyways, after he had you and the others downed he carried you out the back way, loaded you into his personal vehicle, and brought you home. Because of his status at his job he was allowed to drive himself, and after that it was simply a matter of dropping you off, and heading back to work to explain himself to his boss. Mois is very clever, and even if they do not completely believe him, he will never slip the truth of the matter.” He smiles, hoping his next joke doesn't earn him a smack. “In short, mister leader, you were caught because I am a very rich man with an insanely devoted and exceptional brother who is determined to get me anything and everything I want. I can not say this for a fact, but I doubt anyone else could have pulled it off. At least not in the way I did.” With a half smile he finally manages to get his feet under him and wanders over to the next tub, slipping in carefully and just relaxing for a little while.