[quote=Anima] Oh I totally forgot to acknowledge your super unique replies Bunnita! Like IrishAngelQueen, it's entertaining to read them. Seldom do I ever see anyone type like that let alone bunny-esque words being thrown in here and there!IrishAngelQueen, though I'm having trouble following that last paragraph, go crazy :D! Also, I approve of your signature. The one Marilyn Manson song I like! [/quote] I know right? I am crazy. I follow it perfectly while you do not because im cuckoo. Also I know I love that song too. I love that movie! [i]Boys and girls of every age, would you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will sed, this our town of halloween. This is halloween thus is hallloween, pumkins scream in the dead of night! this is halloween halloween halloween…[/i]