[b]Name:[/b] Alexandra "Alex" Denney [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/6g8nwn.jpg[/IMG] [b]Position in Firehouse:[/b] Lieutenant - Truck Co. 81 [b]Skills:[/b] Highly organized, quick-thinking especially under pressure, knows every tool needed for each specific call, has advanced EMT training and experience [b]Personality Traits: The Good: [/b]friendly, outgoing, easy to get along with, quick to laugh, loyal to her firehouse family, fearless [b]The Bad:[/b] Can be quick to fight back to stand her ground, still feels like she is constantly proving herself despite her recent promotion, stubborn, over critical [b]Short Bio:[/b] Alex was raised by her father, who was a renowned firefighter in their city. She grew up around firehouses all her life and it didn't take long for her to decide what she wanted to do with her life. She started out as an EMT, Paramedic for several years before finally candidacy opened up. Soon she became the first female in the district to be promoted to Lieutenant. Although she has the respect of most of the house and is one of the sharpest individuals, she still battles proving herself, both to her team and to herself. Her father retired and she strives to continue his legacy that he left behind as being one of the bravest and sharpest firefighters in the city. [b]Other: [/b]First female firefighter in the house and first to be promoted to Lieutenant in the district