[b]MEDICAL LOG 001 - NICKI F SHARPE[/b] [b]CURRENTLY:[/b] Wasting time... As a sort of rule, Nicki never took pathways. In such a day and age, pathways get you killed; they're where people expect you to be walking. It was like skipping with a gun to your head, entirely pointless...not that something as trivial as a gun would be able to hurt her. Paranoia was a dead-seated mental factor of her life. She refused to think everything was okay, and it's not as if she had much of a choice in the matter; Nicki's brain would always find a million outcomes to something as simple as starting a spaceship, or walking to a base...or meeting a new crew for the first time. Hence she paced through the surrounding pine forest rather than walk across the muddy path, just to calm herself down. Admittedly, the last time she met a new crew they promptly tried to shoot both her legs off. Nicki had very good reason to be nervous. Vaguely, she recalled that it was a bounty crew, and an unpleasant scowl formed on her lips. Of course they'd shoot their medic, how very intelligent of them. Unfortunately for that lot, they forgot to read up about the woman they were trying to maim and were found a few weeks later floating in space without a suit. Nicki looked up into the sky, squinting at the bright blue shades of early morning. [i]How far do I need to throw someone to get them into orbit...?[/i] she mused. Irritably, Nicki tore her gaze from the sky and focused it on the concrete block that was swimming into view. She knew the pilot was inside because her communicator vibrated fifteen minutes ago and Nicki ignored it. She also knew that the pilot was either punctual or desperate, because she sent the reminder three minutes earlier than Nicki would assume they would...hence why she would make them wait a few minutes for her to amble along, because Nicki hated getting rushed. Nicki wiped her feet on the mat in front of the entrance and paced purposefully to the reception desk. "Nicki F Sharpe, I'm here for the...ffffu-..." Nicki cut herself off; another little habit, she didn't like to swear but the receptionist glanced up at Nicki with a knowing little smile and outright fear shining in her eyes. [i]Well done, keep an eye on me whilst I'm on the ground. That's not going to put me in a bad mood at all.[/i] snarled Nicki in her head. She glared down the woman, lifting her lip up in a snarl that never managed to escape her throat as the telephone slid across the desk a little. That was just enough; the receptionist squeaked and quickly typed in Nicki's name, printing out her file for her. "H-here you go, Miss 'Sharpe', go and t-...go and take a seat with Miss Jameson at the back!" stammered the receptionist whilst Nicki snatched the sheet of paper from the trembling woman and entered the large cafeteria. Her gaze slipped down the paper at her new file...[i]The audio transcript for PLU27 isn't on there. In fact, it's been blacked out entirely...I guess that was nice of them,[/i] thought Nicki as she saw the massive black box over her personality section. Everything else was intact, though, even her history. Nicki moved in a straight line towards the pilot who was busy muttering to herself - [i]at least I'm not the only one who does that[/i] - and the large tables and benches slid out of the way on their own accord, parting the cafeteria like the red sea before her. The most unnerving part though would be the fact Nicki didn't even seem to notice she was doing it; it was just happening, there was no arm-waving, or even so much as a glance in the direction of the benches. Nicki was too interested in the heap of paperwork in front of her pilot. As she passed, the benches slid back into place, leaving a little bubble of clear space around Nicki...it was almost as if the benches were too scared to get close to her. Nicki sat down opposite Caelum, and without so much as a hello, grabbed a nearby sheet of paper and ripped it up. It had her file on it, but with more blacked out information than the one she got from the receptionist. Looking Caelum dead in the eye, she blew the scraps of paper into her face and promptly handed her the file with (almost) everything on it. "The Alliance are sticklers for keeping things private," she sighed reflectively, "so I went and got you the full one. I guess you'll have to figure out my personality on your own, Caelum."