This is my current fix right now, super addicted to the game and my mind is chalk full of it. Seeing as this is my first role play and my first GM I'll keep it simple. -Setting- The setting is post the defeat of Grima, the Shepards have returned home in hopes of rebuilding a lasting peace. Unfortunately, Outrealm is still linked to Ylisse, Feroxi, Plegia and Valm. Countless Einherjar of renowned heroes, villains, friend and foe have scattered across the two continents. What will you do? Will you take up arms? Will you calm the disturbance? This is your story. -Setting- Essentially, players are free to pick any class they choose, any weapon and item. I am not much for detailed structure, more for writing and enjoying a story, but depending on interest we can create an ideal setting. If you need to brush up on FE Awakening lore, here is a reference: If Fire Emblem is completely over your head, basically it is a medieval fantasy setting with knights, mages, dragons and undead. Questions? We an make the answers together ;)