[quote=Bluebe123] Name: Scabhacker the Twentieth, AKA "Scabby"Age: Twenty-sevenGender: MaleRace: GoblinAppearance: A green-skinned, twiggy pseudo-nudist. All he wears is a kilt.Main Weapon: A gargantuan flail that's bigger than him. Surprisingly, he can lift it with relative ease. He's good at swinging things due to practice with it.Personality: Scabby is a complete bastard and will take any chance to make a snarky comment. He probably doesn't feel any guilt for it. Or anything, really.Other: He hates Elves. Because they're Elves and nobody actually likes Elves. They're just barely tolerated. [/quote] [i]Accepted. Hell to the Yeah.[/I]