[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3iCEkF8.png[/IMG][/center] Solana remained quite as the dwarf silenced the bickering group and began listening intently to him speak of his childhood. The idea of adventuring into such a place did seem intriguing but when the dwarf demanded the surrender of their gold something didn't smell right. She could see where he was coming from but that was asking a bit much. Instead of raising concerns she watched others around her make up their minds as they began signing the document on the table. The dwarf had appeared genuine in his tale but would she really give up her money to him because he's asking her to? She decided to wait, remain seated and be one of the last to sign as the rest took turns doing so. A dirtied young man who had been assembled began telling a tale from his youth of some heroic deed he committed. Solana listened to him speak of an evil wood spirit that turned the animals on them and how he'd been so terrified, yet seemed quite proud about his role in the story as a dashing young man saving his sister from the evils of the world. He tried comparing the situation to a dragon as if he had any idea what he was talking about. Shaking her head slowly she addressed the group verbally for the first time, [b]"Not to be rude or anything,"[/b] she began with her eyes directed towards the dirty man [b]"but where I'm from there is a lengthy tale the elders would share with children around the fire of a 'terror in the night' with flesh forged from the blackest part of the sky and with a simple beat of it's wings leveled villages. They would talk of men being stuck between it's teeth who suffered being digested for days by saliva which could melted flesh, a tail which shattered entire fleets into driftwood or it's demon eyes which held a magic so powerful it could sense you through walls. We have tales of many dragons in my land, the good and the bad kind, but none are like this. If this Belthar the Corrupter is akin to the black dragons of our stories, we stand little chance against it."[/b] She didn't bother looking at anyone else in the room, instead Solana stood silently and signed along with the rest [i]'I Solana Veata of the Crimson Wind sign my name unto this document in a sane state of mind that I agree to all conditions as they are in this document'[/i]. When she finished writing Solana untied her coin purse from her belt and tossed it onto the table along with the rest. Before she turned to walk off Solana looked at the dwarf who called upon her and spoke firmly [b]"But the legends also state of a Great Vermillion Owl who was birthed from the sun, sent down to chase that beast back to the forgotten place from once it came. And just like that He had done before, I shall do the same."[/b]