Believe me, I'm the least likely person to make my guy OP in the RP. He can fight, he's a master marksman because he has that talent, and it's easy for him to climb walls. He's not the best at all of it, just like Robin Hood, he specializes in archery, and the rest give him a bit of a boost. Batman was at the peak of physical and mental perfection, my guy is far from that haha And I never said he was a champ at any of it. But when you lose your job and get beat up by thugs, knowing they are the reason you no longer have a life, and you want to be a leader of a bunch of theives, it'll motivate ya to learn this stuff in a couple years haha Its totally meant to be realistic, and modern, and I see where you're getting at, I changed a few things in my guy to make it what I intended.