[quote=EldritchOne] Fair enough.But yeah, given a closer inspection this looks quite promising... although I must say I can sort of see a lot of common anime influences in it, been watching too much anime Kappa? :P [/quote] maayyybe... <.< Yeah, I like Anime, and I may or may not have been tempted to make it Shounen-ish (though without meaning to) via the ludicrous power levels. But then again, it's difficult to do this kind of setting without making it all unbalanced if I were to make their strengths be what they're capable of in Mythology. If that were the case then the Titan Classes would completely obliterate everything else, especially the Dragons. I had to make everythin else OP as well to make it balanced xD Also, on a side note, the Fae Folk (or Fair Folk) are a varied folk, so while you'll find cute little pixies and graceful elves among them, the scary monsters and abominations of old also lurk under that name :P So... Give me your best shot xD [quote=Mach2] All righty, 'tis done. Let me know if there are edits that need to be made. I feel like if there are, it'll be in her 'powers' section. I think I've got it set up in a good way (she's still able to use her healing power in human form, but at the cost of a more energy), but if this doesn't work with the system you're envisioning, Kappu, then I'll edit. [/quote] [quote]Her build remains slender (not as curvy as the photo)[/quote] T'is a shame :P Hmm... You're right. There are a few things with her "Power" section. Or more accurately, her Dryad form. Ironbark, as insinuated, is pretty damn tough. So naturally she would be tough as well (We're talking enough to withstand the blow of a Titan... or a few lows, at least). Generally, when you Shift you become much more durable, even if you're a Fae who are generally somewhat fragile compared to others. So basically, she's tougher in her Shifted form, even if she's made of plants. They're magic plants, after all ;) Secondly is her mindset. Her mind is the same, but her powers and body changes. So there's no difference between shifted and non-shifted, so healing would always be most powerful when Shifted. It is, however, a rather slow process and can't be done in-combat unless shielded by allies when tending to someone wounded, and even then it's dangerous since someone might slip past your friends. Also, as a Dryad, your abilities extend past just causing plants and such to grow; You're also able to control them, although not as much or precisely as someone who's focused solely on defense. Still, a wall of really big roots and such is within your abilities as you are a Defender/Supporter.