[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R2hScjo.png[/IMG] [b]MarcoPolo was ok with the dwarf's plans, until he started to talk about contracts and gold. [i]"Like hell! Do you really think I would give up my gold, just to anyone?"[/i] MarcoPolo laughed and howled at the same time. [i]"My family did not become rich from being idiots."[/i] MarcoPolo was in disbelief as he saw everyone at the table sign. He was about to leave, but then he heard someone whisper into his ear. ~Sign...this is what you must do...~ He didn't know who it was, but remembering what his parents said about listening to the gods; MarcoPolo knew it had to be a sign. No one else other then Mother Wolf, goddess of wealth and prosperity would call out to MarcoPolo in this time. Even though he didn't want to do it he agreed. Since Kunites didn't have hands to right or sign things, MarcoPolo would use his paw to print. Thanks to the god Alpha, creator of all Kunites; he had engraved every Kunites name into their right paw. All MarcoPolo had to do was stamp the contract. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3mCxH4r.png[/IMG] [i]"I MarcoPolo Juan Flores, of the Flores Royal Kunite Elites print my paw, in favor of my birth name unto this document in a sane state of mind that I agree...to all conditions as they are in this document."[/i] Then still not happy about giving up 10gold, MarcoPolo threw his bag, the size of a baby pig onto the table, almost breaking it. [i]"Listen little man, if this treasure hunt doesn't go well, and I "happen" to die; all the Kunites around Arcazia will be coming for your head. Now let's get this show on the road already."[/i] MarcoPolo smirking at everyone, most of them especially the dirty peasant boy would not make it out alive. As long as he made it, MarcoPolo didn't care.[/b][/center]