[b]Fallen Angels - The Florence - Eva[/b] Approaching The Florence was the almighty mother of the Angels - Isabel. She parked her vehicle behind a familiar one, one that she disliked very much. He turned off the car and walked out, walking beside the clean SUV peeking through its untainted windows. "What's she doing here?" she asked herself, a look of disgust on her face. She also noticed another thing, Maria's ride was nowhere to be seen. "God damn that bitch!" she cursed, footsteps echoing as she reached the bar doors. And then the queen made her entrance, turning heads from every individual. "Jasmine, come here sweetheart" she told the young bartender. Once the girl got up to her, Isabel took her by the shoulders and gave her a soft smile. "Why are you covering for Maria?" she asked without intent of scaring the child. "She......ummm......called and said she was sick. I tried to call her back, but she wouldn't answer" Jasmine explained, returning back to work. Isabel placed her hand on her forehead and sighed as she walked towards the office. She passed up the bar without even noticing Eva, but suddenly stopped as though she forgot something. Those Maria issues just faded from her mind as the problems with Eva took their place. She turned around and faced the sitting woman and decided to sit next to her. "Why are you here?" she blurted out, not even saying hello or anything for that matter. "Tony isn't here, he's out on business with the boys, so maybe you should wait for him at your little........castle, princess. You don't belong around here hun, so I suggest you get going once you finish that drink, it's on the house" she smart-mouthed the girl, walking away and locking herself in the office to finish some paperwork. In the meantime, Jasmine took the liberty to walk towards Eva. "Hey, she didn't mean that okay? Don't take her too seriously, she's like that with everyone at some point, especially girls that like her nephew Tony. Prospect said they should be back soon, so ten minutes tops" she said, being friendly and encouraging. Everyone at The Florence knew how Isabel acted around certain people. She had these two very opposite personalities, and sometimes they overlapped into a tough love kind of thing. But anyway, just like Jasmine said, within ten minutes the sound of multiple motorcycles echoed outside the bar. As the sound dimmed, patched members entered the bar one by one, but none of them bearing a smile upon their faces. Harry went straight towards the office to meet with his wife. Thomas went to the new Prospect and started chatting with him. Charles walked up to the bar and was given a glass of whiskey by Jasmine. He raised his glass to Eva and drank up quickly. "When you gonna let me hit that Jasmine?" he asked the young girl, his shades still on like always. "Stop playing" the bartender laughed, turning around to refill his glass. A couple more members entered, Tony being the last one. He immediately walked up to Eva and gave her a kiss. "Sorry for leaving this mornin', I didn't want to wake you" he said sincerely. He stood right next to her, picking up her hand. "D'you tell anyone yet?" he asked her, turning his eyes towards the ring. His business-frown had turned into a smile as he returned to face her. He couldn't believe he would soon marry this beautiful woman. But the mood was ruined by Harry's call. "C'mon boys, we have to talk!" he yelled over the soft music. All the members started towards the office. "I'll be right back okay. We can go get something to eat afterwards" he smiled, planting yet another kiss on her lips. Once all the members - excluding the Prospect - were in the office room, Harry started to explain their next move. Isabel was standing beside her husband, her hand on his shoulders. "Can you give us a minute baby" Harry said, looking upward at her. "Yeah baby" she responded, kissing him then walking towards Tony. She kissed her nephew on the cheek and whispered, "I don't like that girl" like she always did. It was the same thing over and over with this woman. Despite Eva helping out with member injuries from time to time, she still didn't accept her as one of them. But that wasn't first priority right now, the group had bigger issues to settle. Once Isabel left the office, the door was shut and locked. "Were going to take out one of the Asian's storage facilities after we receive our payment" Harry started, Tony's face already going against what Harry said. "We make it look like the Africans, just like Obinna asked, and that'll be that." "It's not that easy Harry" Tony interrupted. "If we get caught...........everything goes to hell!" he urged. "And if they figure out it's us, they'll bring the fight to Gastown, we cannot let that happen." "It wont" Charles said, always on Harry's side. "Charles is right Tony, we wont let that happen. We'll have [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/af/6f/df/af6fdf76308b6fe1d400520be0473222.jpg]Craig[/url] here deal with it like he always does, take Charles and Prospect with him. It's simple explosives right Craig?" "Easy" Craig responded with his smokey tone. The guy nearly always had a smoke between his lips, going through two to three packs a day. It was ironic because he was usually in tip top shape despite his nasty habit. Of course, all the members had their occasional smoke, but nothing like Craig - he was unique. But anyhow, the debate continued with Tony speaking next. "We don't retaliate for other groups, it's not how we do things. [i]This[/i], this is just going to go bad. One mistake can cause us not only a contributor, but a friend. We do not retaliate." "Call it a message. If we don't do this, we lose our gun business period. Obinna wont sell to us if he thinks we don't have his back." "Obinna doesn't care about that, for him it's all about the money. He's not going to just give up on us because we don't deliver, he's not an idiot, he needs us to keep his business running smoothly" Tony added. "He obviously has someone else he's selling to, or else why would he be sending guns through Providence?" Charles asked, not awaiting a response. "So he has another form of revenue that we don't know about. So if we don't do this, he'll cut us off without a doubt." "Then I think its time to have a little talk with the Russians" Tony said. "Huh?" Harry asked, not understanding Tony's motive. "We have the Russians do our little dirty work. They have something against the Asians right? Why not have them take out the Asians' storage? It'll keep our hands clean. We just tell them where the shipment was taken to after we receive the money." The group kept quiet and listened. They also seemed to think it was a decent plan. "But if that happens, the Russians will probably steal the weapons rather than burn them. They'll be armed for a war with the Asians. We can't have that happen either, they'll bring the war to Crown" Harry affirmed. "Let's worry about one problem before we worry about the next. Let's just tell the Russians, anonymously so it doesn't bite us in the ass. That'll at least give us time to think of our next move. I just don't see an upside of doing this ourselves. So many things can go wrong guys, it's far too risky" Tony finished before calling for a vote. "All in favor?" Harry asked. "Me, Aye" Harry agreed. Charles and all the others did too, an unanimous decision. The meeting was declared adjourned once all the members left the room. Harry leaned on the door-frame as Isabel went to him. "So what happened in there?" she asked him. "Nothing baby. The boy's changing" Harry whispered. "It's that nurse he's been with, she's getting to his head" Isabel responded. "Did he tell you?" Harry asked his wife. "Tell me what?" Isabel asked, Harry pausing and not saying anything. Tony in the meantime had walked up to Eva, taking her by the hand. "Let's get outta here E" he said, but was interrupted by Jasmine. "Sorry to interrupt Tony, but.....I'm a little worried about Maria, she wasn't feeling good last night and didn't show up this morning for work. I couldn't get a hold of her either, so I was wondering.............if.......you could go check up on her? I told Isabel, but she didn't really think anything of it" he stated, raising her shoulders without the knowledge of what to do about the entire situation. "Yeah, I'll go check up on her. Thanks Jasmine" Tony nodded, taking Eva with him outside the bar. He turned to her before getting on his bike. "I'm going to check up on Maria. I know you two don't get along for God knows what reason, but...........I could use your help E. If she's sick then I prefer if you were there with me" Tony disclosed, his hand still interlocked with hers. "But if not, I completely understand. I don't want to put you in a situation you're not comfortable with."