[b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWoXxwl4-c]Warakuma High, Class 3-3[/url] The bell rang at almost the exact same time Sato had finished writing down the notes on the board. With a long sigh, he threw down his pencil to his notebook’s pages and lean far back into his seat, leaning a bit over the person behind him’s desk. For a first day it lasted [i]way[/i] to long for its own good. While the class had ended with the teacher going on some long recap of what they were expected to learn and master in their subject, giving apt time to copy the notes they had written, Sato had engrossed himself too far into finishing the forms Rokoru had entrusted to him to notice the thousands of words written onto the board until late in the class. Most of the forms had been simple things like equipment orders or membership wavers that needed to be fixed and signed, and as such they were more monotonous than complex. Sato had decided that he wouldn’t be very motivated to complete them if he had stopped in the middle of them, and the teacher probably would just think he was excruciatingly dedicated to writing down extensive notes, so it was a logical choice to make to him. At least the student-staff of the Archery club wouldn’t be on his ass that day. After stretching out his hands (due to them being cramped up from not writing that much for several months) and back, Sato rose from his seat, idly looking around as he did so. A lot of his classmates had already left, eager to return home, while the people remaining behind for a while had a large variety of reasons to do so; catching up with friends, finishing work of some kind, loafing around for whatever reason, and so forth. One girl in the far back was actually fast asleep and everyone decided it was funny enough to not wake her up. Regardless, Sato gathered up his books, slipped them into his school bag, and slung it over his shoulder. The next stop for him would be the Archery range out back of the school. [b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4iGZxO-8mw]Warakuma High, Archery Range[/url] While some of the students were still bustling about, getting the range organized a bit better, the rest of the current members were already shooting arrows down the range, with some of the new members observing them to try and figure out what and why they’re doing what they’re doing. The school required that they practice traditional Japanese archery-- [i]Kyudo[/i] – some of the more serious members (himself included) brought their own equipment to shoot with a more modern and occidental style. No one kept that stuff in the range, though, so everyone was stuck with kyudo for the first few weeks until they could get everything they needed to deal with sorted out. Additionally, they had decided that to be able to skip out on the kyudo and go with some other bows, a member needed to have mastered the basics of kyudo before moving past it. The range would remain open until an hour after school ended, providing hopefully ample time for anyone to go check it out before heading home. On regular days later in the year, members were allowed to stay until around 6 PM, but often times they left sooner. After setting down his stuff somewhere near the entrance, Sato made his way over to where they were cleaning out a bunch of crap the school stored there over the winter and helped with lifting the heavier stuff. They were working near the entrance to the range, so hopefully anyone with any questions would notice him there, especially as they were moving some things outside.