[i]"Help me save the man I love. His name is Grant Wilson."[/i] Steel turned to look at Tyran who was staring at the woman who had somehow managed to enter the mansion. He looked at her curiously and at the mask that she was holding in her hands. "Recognize her?" Steel asked carefully. "Scanning memory banks now." Tyran responded as his eyes flashed as he scanned the memories he had of the future. "Facial recognition found a match. First name is Katya, last name unknown. All I can pull up on her is that she was presumed deceased when Straxus wiped out New York City around eight years from now when a gathering of resistance fighters caught his attention." "What about this Grant Wilson? Any records on him?" Steel asked not knowing Grant's full name. Tyran's eyes flashed again. "Grand Wilson: Also known as Ravager. Former member of the Titans. Presumed lost during one of the first battles when the resistance fought against Doctor Night. Body was never recovered however." Steel looked at Katya and smiled carefully. No telling what her true angle was. "Tell us what happened." She said calmly. [b]Unknown location Unknown time[/b] "Scanning quantum and temporal signatures...we've got a lock! We've managed to locate them both!" A figure shouted out as the building rocked violently as debris continued to fall from the ceiling. Screaming could be heard coming from outside. "Do we have enough power?" "Barely. It's going to most likely be a one way trip. We barely have enough power to create the gate right now." One of the other figures turned to look at the costumed figure standing nearby. "You ready Parallex? You know what you need to do?" "Find them. Warn them. Eliminate the threat." The costumed figure said quietly as the other figure nodded. "Right. Hold on, it's going to be a rough ride." The screaming got louder and louder as the walls surrounding the room began to buckle against the creature's onslaught. "Initiating Temporal gate...now!" A swirling red portal formed and Parallex stared into it for a moment as the wall finally collapsed behind him as he ran through the portal and vanished. "Deactivate the portal and destroy the machine!" The two figures unleashed barrages of energy blasts at the machine as the gate vanished and it blew apart a minute later as the creature slammed both of them down into the ground head first.