[b]Lancaster Render - Tommie's/parking lot - Baylen Denney[/b] Lancaster couldn't help but be grateful when Baylen agreed to join him to patrol the warehouse. Lancaster was a large, strong man and would never admit it it, but he was wary of being at the warehouse alone at this time of night. As they began to make their way towards the front of the bar, Baylen began to ask questions. "For the first day or so, things were just being moved around. Y'know, stuff wasn't where it was supposed to be. Then a crate went missing one day. Nothin' too major, just some ammunition. Then this morning, I go into the warehouse to find a crate half pried open and a crowbar on the floor next to it." Lancaster sucked in some air and sighed bitterly. He knew for a fact that his mind was not playing tricks on him. He made damn sure that he had that warehouse memorized. If anything was even an inch out of place, he'd know about it. To have something of this extent happen right beneath his nose flustered him. That crow bar he found must have belonged to the culprit. Lancaster waited to the side while Baylen had a talk over with Charlie, probably flirting with her. But Lancaster simply wasn't listening, he was immersed into his thoughts and worries. This funny business at the warehouse needed to stop. As soon as they could possibly find the creep and put him in his place. After Baylen finished talking to Charlie, they set out for the parking lot and jumped into Lancaster's car. He lit up a cigarette before starting up the engine and offered one to Baylen. "Need to calm your nerves? 'Cause I sure as hell do," he laughed nervously.