David had taken the day off classes, still getting used to the completely new environment that was Japan. For monetary reasons he had never been outside of the United Kingdom until this opportunity presented itself. He'd brought his Nikon DSLR with him and had been taking pictures of everything he had passed that was of any interest at all. Now he was on his way to a club he had heard was starting at the University. There was no better way to make some new friends in a foreign country than by joining a club with people who shared a common interest, at least that was what David was hoping anyway. Finding himself traipsing through the university corridors, everything here was so much bigger and more advanced looking than back home in the UK. It was brilliant. An interesting poster caught his eye, something to do with advertising candy. David looked through the viewfinder of his camera and snapped a quick shot before checking the time on his watch. [b]2:55pm[/b] He had to get going, he didn't want to be late. Hurrying through the hallways he read the number above each door trying to figure out which one the Anime Club was being held in. He stopped, breathless after a minute, crouching over with his hands on his knees he took a few heavy breaths having broken a sweat. "Where is this place..." He wondered aloud before turning around and seeing the right room in front of him. "Oh..." He uttered before entering. "Umm..." He began, scratching his head as he saw a room bare of people except for one person lying on the floor. He approached and nudged him with his foot gently, "Hello?" He asked.