Seeing the man, who Riye decided was named Lyxus, not give her a reply fast enough, she looked at Sasha "The name was Sasha, right? I'll have to put it into my Archives. And well, if you will be up for going on a job without him, let me know. I'll be fine either way. Just looking for a way to make money and enjoy myself while doing so." She said and then sent an annoyed look towards Lazarus before turning around and seeing Sho be kicked by MInerva. Approaching the two, she looked a bit annoyed at Sho "I already get the feeling you like one of the things I greatly dislike. The name was Sho, right?" She asked him before looking at the woman "Hey there. My name is Riye, I just joined the guild. I hope you won't mind me saying this, but I hope you won't be kicking people around too much." Riye said and sent her a small smile, hoping she didn't take it the wrong way.