Tch, to think that I wasn't sure I'd get any response at all. My progression has been something along these lines: "I guess we can do this with three people. Oh hey, four guys are interested, neat. More people? Oh well, I'm sure I won't get more than four decent sheets anyway. I can get rid of a couple of these, right? Fine, five people is still pretty manageable. Jeebus, am I gonna have to go with six? Isn't six too many? Alright, I'm gonna go with six. No, I'm not gonna go with six. I'm gonna go with six. I'm not gonna go with six. I'm gonna go with six. I'm not gonna go with six." So I'm gonna go with six players. It's kind of a lot, so the drawback is that I'm just gonna have to move your characters along if you don't post fast enough. I don't expect more than a couple of posts a week from everyone, though, and less is certainly acceptable, as long as we're moving at a steady pace. Six people it will be, though my weekend is pretty booked, and I don't want to rush this, so I'm not promising anything this side of Monday. Latecomers are still welcome to send in their sheets, and I will be dropping in intermittently to answer questions, but recruitment is drawing to a close, and you might not make it. Last but not least, let me say how stoked I am to find that there are still role players of this caliber active online. There are sheets in this thread that won't get into the game, that are still better than any I have ever written. It's been inspiring, folks, and I hope the game lives up to it.