[i]"Wow, Chiyo-chan! That was reaaaaally cool! You were being so... badass!"[/i] “Oh? That so?” Chiyo paused in her tour-which wasn’t really much to begin with-to show off a toothy grin down at her newfound vampire apprentice. “Yeah, I get that quite a lot. Stick with me kid, and I can teach you all sorts of badass things. Like how to shut up idiots. That’s really a life-learned skill, you know?” Turning back to the others, she swept the arm not being clutched by Karina to highlight the kitchen they all stood in. Like most of everything else in this house, it was made of a dark wooden material with wooden chairs, a table, and even wooden drawers. A refrigerator that would probably only be used to store blood was hidden in the corner of the small room while a plastic chandelier squeaked above them. At this point, Chiyo realized that only Krov remained in their touring group; Kuro and Priscilla were still outside and Fearless Leader took Gray to recover down in the basement. “Sheesh, they should start paying me for this kind of crap…any questions so far Pierogi?” She glanced down at Karina next. “What about you Midget?”