"C'mon man, let's get outta here. We're too close to those pigs in blue. Can't you pick a better place to tag, for Christ's sake?" A tall, thin man groaned as he shivered through his disheveled jacket, rubbing his hands together. His eyes darted around nervously, lips pursed in a worried line. In the distance, sirens blared out as the dogs of the Yggdrasil began to hunt their first pray of the night. The man paled, snapping his head towards the direction of the commotion. Kevin Sinnet grinned, shaking his head as he slapped a small, white square of a sticker against the cold concrete wall of the building before them. He glanced over his shoulder at his partner who was nearly shitting his pants, his eyes growing wider as the sirens approached them. Kevin snorted in amusement before turning back to his work. Raising a hand, the gangster began to trace complex patterns in midair, his slender fingers dancing gracefully with the cold breeze that accompanied the two men on this particular night within the confines of this lonesome alleyway "Damn, Aidan. If I'd known how much of a baby you were, I'd bring Buccha instead. Why all the fuss?" Kevin laughed, shaking his head, but kept his focus on the space in front of him, his hands swirling through the empty void right before the white sticker he had placed. "They're not gonna come here. We're surrounded on all sides by these old-ass buildings - there's no way they can see us from the streets, let alone from their own station. Darkness is our shield, my friend, as our souls are black themselves. We're pretty much chameleons out here." Kevin glanced over his shoulder once more, blue eyes twinkling with childish delight as the siren's approached them. Just as the blaring sound peaked to it's loudest, it screamed past them before slowly fading away again back into the distance. The man tilted his head with a smug look on his face as Aidan slowly relaxed, releasing a shuddered breathe. Though obviously shaken, he managed a sincere and shameful smile. "Sorry bro. You know how I get when we're right on their turf. The dogs seem to pick on me the most, nowadays." Aidan shook his head, slumping his lanky body against the cold, hard wall, adjacent to where Kevin was drawing. From within his thick coat, the man produced a pack of cigarettes and an old fashioned Zippo lighter. "Damn. Almost wetting myself has made me pretty hungry. You almost done?" The dark of the night retreated momentarily as the lighter flared, bringing to life an ember that mingled smoke with the sea of shadows. Kevin smirked as his friend slowly exhaled the poisonous vapors, not even bothering to glance in his direction. Instead, with a few strokes and twist of his index finger through the chilly air, Kevin completed his work. "All done." The man gave a small yawn, turning away from the building and stretched heartily before shoving his cold hands within the comforting pockets of his black jacket. "I know a great place to eat, if you're hungry. Let's go." Kevin began to walk away, his slender frame nonchalantly navigating through the dark. Aidan gunted, smoke billowing from his nose as he followed suit. As he pushed himself off the wall, however, the tall man slapped his palm against the white sticker that Kevin had placed and drew in front. All of a sudden, the square patch glowed with a soft, white light, slowly getting brighter as the two men walked away. From within the center, yellow and purple light began to emerge in the form of lines, and they began to trace the pattern in which Kevin had demonstrated earlier, the brilliant streams of light intermingling with each other against the gray of the concrete canvas. Soon enough, an image began to define itself in a glowing radiance that broke the shadows - a purple, horned-skull adorned with a crooked, golden crown. The emblem of the Guilty Kings, etched onto the building by the method of neurotagging - the process in which an artist visualizes his creation, and is brought to life by neurotechnology in the form of a small, white sticker. Despite emitting a brilliant light, the symbol itself stood out to be ominous and malicious, an abstract demon that claimed that particular territory as it's own.