[quote=Hank] And in tyical womanly fashion, Kaga takes forever to explain what is, essentially, a very short story. Good thing you included that tl;dr. [/quote] Well it would've been boring to just say "I almost fainted but I got on TV". I like detail. Plus I figured my satisfaction with the whole thing and my reasoning behind that satisfaction would make more sense if I thoroughly explained my struggles. :rollin [quote=Derpestein] Kaga has, in short, become a schoolgirl in a slice of life anime, because she was eating a pop tart on the way to school.Kaga-tan late DESU ne Kokoro kawaii shoot me please [/quote] O.o Since when do pop tarts have anything to do with anime tropes? [quote=Walker of Darkness] Ya made it, cool. Also, happy birthday. [/quote] Thanks. :sun